Okay...well I'm still giving this writing malarkey a go. I know this chappie is pretty lame and I can't improve on it anymore. I have tried, this is version 2. I feel that I need to explain that this is a filler chapter setting up the rest of the story.
This hasn't been beta'd so probably contains more than a few errors, please feel free to let me know if you spot any.
Title: Once Upon a Time...
Chapter: 2
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None, I think
Characters/Pairings: ProwlxJazz eventually
Setting: G1, I guess.
Summary: Just how exactly did Prowl and Jazz meet up? Set on Cybertron just before the outbreak of war
Disclaimer: No ownage - no sueage
Everything I learned about Transformers I learned from the great fanfic authors. So if I have used something, thinking it's canon and it’s not. Please let me know and I will rectify, or replace, or give credit where it is due.
Thanks go to
dark_daebereth for the inspiration for the title of this monster of a fic.
Prowl watched the blue visor power up, as he stared down at the mech. His rifle pointed up into the air, the lone shot still ringing in Prowl’s audios.
He didn’t know why he’d done it; in fact his logic centres were having a field day trying to process all the data. Whilst the less logical side told him, he’d scared the mech well. Scared him, hopefully, into silence.
Can’t you stand the truth, Prowl. An insidious voice whispered inside him. Oh, he knew it was the truth; it was why he accepted all the missions that took him far away from Iacon. So he did not have to look every mech in the optic, and know they were far more devious and cruel than an entire bunch of the hardest criminals he had sent to the reformatters.
However, his logic centre voiced itself; no mech wants to know the real truth of their existence. After all, you have a very long life ahead of you.
And there before him was the crux of the matter. Prowl knew Iacon was descending into chaos, and that a Law-Mech should uphold the justice and bring forth the criminals to receive their punishment. Yet, he could not bring them to justice, because they were the ones who were responsible for upholding the laws, even for creating them. They were, for all intense and purposes, immune to the optics of justice.
To go after them would see him in the reformatting chamber, before he could tell them they were under arrest. And, as he had witnessed before, those that were brought to justice, usually were put into reconditioning therapy, before allowed to resume their luxurious lives.
Prowl looked down as the noise of wires frizzing and sparking drew his attention. Jazz still lay on the floor, his arms taking his weight, his damaged shoulder protesting rather theatrically at the mech’s current predicament.
What was he to do now? The laws he upheld would not allow him to release the mech, knowing Jazz would just go back to his errant and very criminal ways. Yet, he actually felt within his spark that he couldn’t bear to see the mech delivered to the reformatters. As his thoughts turned over, he had the vague sense his logic centres were about to freeze up. Though, when this condition was upon him, a secondary system whirred into life. A strategic onboard processor, it was called. No other law-mechs had one, but then, his creator had designed him for military use, to follow his creator into the forces and be a feared commander. He had turned his back on Prowl, when the mech had announced he wanted to join a different force.
Thankfully, though, that secondary system, used mainly for planning battle strategies, was adaptable enough to take over from his logic centres and devise a strategic plan. It took less than a breem for Prowl to formulate a plan. This time, a smile did come to his lips, one that was noticeable to Jazz as the mech tried to shuffle away, despite his wounded shoulder.
“So…he…escaped” Prowl stared at the Adjutant, a thin-framed mech of pale blue and black colouring, nodding sharply to his statement.
“You say… that this mech, this…piece of downgraded metallic riffraff, bested you - an enforcer! Took your weapon, and proceeded to shoot you.” Prowl stood to attention despite the shoulder wound he now sported. Although not severe, the blackened metal and gaping hole were enough evidence of the events outside of Iacon. “I never took you to be that incredibly stupid Prowl” the Adjutant sneered at him.
“I personally assured the High Arbitrator of your skills in this assignment. Now, I must inform him you failed.” His tone had turned to one of cold disappointment tinged with hate. The Adjutant shifted uncomfortably in his chair, Prowl knowing the mech was not looking forward to that particular conversation.
Prowl merely stood still knowing a reply was not needed, nor requested. The Adjutant narrowed his optics at him, as though trying to see inside of Prowl.
There was a moment, not very long not even an astrosecond of time, inside of Prowl were a thought drifted through, he suspects something. Before it was shunted away into oblivion by his logic processor stating, don’t be foolish the probability of him knowing anything is over one trillion to one.
Calmed by cool logic, and knowing none of the internal debate had showed on his face, Prowl asked, “May I be dismissed sir, I need to seek medical attention.”
The Adjutant merely stared at him, before waving him away. “Yes, dismissed, get out.” He snarled. Prowl knew that was the price of failure with the Adjutant, his arrogance over the ranks was what made him so reviled. Prowl had never understood why the High Arbitrator wanted him as an assistant in the first place. It was just not…logical.
Prowl saluted, about-turned on one heel and marched out of the office.
He made his way towards the medical facilities of Iacon; they were set a few buildings away from The Cybertronian Security Force Headquarters. Nestled beside the senator’s forum, a somewhat hazy name for the gathering place of the Senators before they would merge into the only round building on Cybertron, the Council Chambers of Cybertron. It was here the Senators would meet, discuss and vote on legislation and other political issues with the Prime.
On strolling past Prowl noticed the presence of a certain tall mech. Outside the Forum stood Senator Optimus. He was a respected senator, though he did not need to use his height to gain any levy, the mech had a presence bigger than his height could ever afford him, and through that presence he showed he had the respect of Cybertron’s people. It was for this reason he was rumoured to be the heir to Sentinel Prime.
A notion that did not sit well with Prowl, as it was usual for the High Arbitrator to be named as the successor to the current Prime.
Before he could cross the gates of the medical facilities, a large red hand caught his uninjured shoulder. Prowl swiftly tuned his head to see the transgressor, and the scowl on his face was soon replaced with a friendly smile. “Ironhide,” he greeted, clasping the mech’s forearm in the preferred warrior greeting.
“Prowl,” he answered, his optics darting away for a moment before the intense gaze returned. “I’m sorry I startled ya, but there’s someone I’d like ya to meet.”
It wasn’t the usual greeting Ironhide gave him. Prowl could count on one finger the amount of times Ironhide hadn’t ribbed him about the glory days, and the academy they both attended. Ironhide at that time had been Prowl’s instructor. One of the finest instructors the academy ever had, before Ironhide returned to the field, only to retire within a vorn from the Security Force completely.
Prowl didn’t really get a choice in the matter. He was ushered over towards the Forum, where Senator Optimus was now approaching them both. They seemed to all meet in the middle, and Ironhide greeted the mech in a friendlier manner than he welcomed Prowl. At first he couldn’t understand why, it was the same handshake, the same voice, yet there was an absolute respect and belief that Ironhide displayed to this senator. It was the trust of a mech who would follow no matter the orders.
Something very unlike the Ironhide he thought he knew.
The Senator turned to Prowl, “Enforcer Prowl, it is good to make your acquaintance at last.” The senator was quiet-voiced. Not what Prowl expected.
“Likewise Senator,” he replied formally.
The Senator turned and began walking; Ironhide tagging beside him and Prowl knew it was an unspoken order for him to also walk beside the mechs.
“I understand you have recently returned from the Outer Territories.” The senator spoke after a lengthy pause, his head down watching in his own footsteps.
“Yes, Senator.” Prowl cast a gaze at Ironhide who sent back a look that told Prowl just to go with the conversation.
“You were to detain and retrieve a certain troublesome mech, am I correct?” Prowl offered a nod, he didn’t need to expound on this, seeing as the Senator was very much aware of Prowl’s movements and duties.
To further this, the Senator added, “and you were unsuccessful.” It wasn’t a reprimand; the Senator was stating a fact with his tone.
They had already done one circuit of the Forum grounds and now began another. “It is a pity he could not be brought back for questioning. What information must be contained within that one troublesome processor, some might fear that information. Do you think, Prowl?”
The mech’s stopped walking as Prowl came to a standstill. He looked up at the Senator, trying to judge the unreadable mech. What does he know?
Prowl looked away from the intense gaze, watching other senators, some who had noticed the odd group at the far end of the forecourt.
“I believe that my orders were to bring the mech back for reformatting.” Prowl supplied, deciding to stick with the facts of his orders.
“Yes,” the Senator agreed, “those were your orders. Do you not find them odd, with what this mech could tell us, that no one would want to interrogate him?”
“That is not my decision to make, Senator.” Prowl replied gruffly. He did not like this conversation. This Senator was wily, and Prowl was having to be cautious in case he verbally tripped himself on some information that could cause a closer look into his recent mission.
“Do you know what I think, Enforcer Prowl?” The senator spoke in a hushed voice, forcing Prowl to lean closer to hear him. “I would think that, should this mech ever find himself in Iacon, for some reason or another, then perhaps a deal should be struck. After all, is it not a foolish mech that shoots the messenger before the message can be heard?”
Prowl snapped back into a stiffened stance, his optics darting between Ironhide and the Senator.
He was about to speak when the senator held up one hand, silencing him. “Think on this, Enforcer Prowl. I would like to know your, theoretical, thoughts on this.” With that statement left hanging between them the Senator turned away and strolled back to his comrades. Ironhide stood beside Prowl and with a tap to his arm lead Prowl away from the forum and back towards his original destination.
They both came to a standstill outside the doors of the medical facilities. “Prowl, you’re a good mech.”
Prowl didn’t hide his surprise at Ironhide’s comment. “I know you can be trusted,” Ironhide added, “and so can the Senator. You know what’s happening in Iacon, none of us can turn a blind eye anymore.” With that said Ironhide nodded a goodbye and left Prowl alone on the steps, heading towards the market square of Iacon.
Prowl shook his head, this was turning out to be the strangest few orns he could ever remember.
It was late in the orn by the time Prowl returned to his residence, his shoulder no longer had that incessant dull throbbing that had been pulsing through him since he stepped onto the transport to bring him back to Iacon.
He checked the data-vid out of habit and was surprised to see a message flashing for him. Hitting the receive button, the heavy accented voice of Ironhide spoke out to him. “Prowl, the Senator would like to see you at the 19th joor, don’t be late.”
Well, there’s no refusing that order, Prowl checked his chronometer, he had a little over a joor to get ready. Ironhide hadn’t stipulated a meeting place so he suspected he would need to go to the forum.
A tired sigh ghosted through vents before he started to make his way to the washrack, his logic processors already working on a list of things to do that needed to be shuffled around. He would not be recharging this night.
As thought, Ironhide was waiting outside the grounds of the forum. He stood tapping one large red foot. The mech was never known for his patience and when Prowl arrived, with time to spare, he had no chance for questions as Ironhide guided him towards a more sedate part of Iacon with sprawling domiciles that housed mechs favoured with fortune and power.
They stopped at one of the smaller domiciles, though it had to comprise of at least fifteen rooms, unlike Prowls three square little rooms that made up his residence.
They walked through a pleasant garden and up to the building where the Senator and his bonded, the beautiful Elita, sat on high chairs overlooking the grounds.
The Senator leaned over and whispered something to his bonded. She smiled serenely stood gave a nod to Ironhide, who waved back, and left them alone.
The Senator waved them forward and Ironhide stood leaning against the railing that surrounded the domicile while Prowl was offered the seat.
“Thank you for accepting my invitation,” the Senator spoke, humour colouring his voice.
I wasn’t given a choice, rather than voicing his thought Prowl muttered a polite “my pleasure,” before taking the proffered seat.
“This won’t take long, Enforcer Prowl, as I’m quite sure you are a busy mech.” Prowl watched the Senator. This wily mech was up to something, he couldn’t tell what yet. He waited for the Senator to explain his actions.
“Enforcer Prowl, I like to consider myself as a mech who believes in our justice system, that no matter what happens I can depend on those brave enforcers, such as yourself, to uphold the law no matter what the cost is to yourself.” The Senator stopped his speech and looked down at Prowl, his optics resonating with this plan that was unfolding before Prowl.
Noticing that the Senator was angling for some confirmation from Prowl, he nodded tacking on “As do I, Senator.”
And the brightness in the Senator’s optics told Prowl he had stumbled into the snare.
“Then, please tell me Enforcer Prowl, why did you release an outlawed mech after detaining him?”
He’d heard before, from friends and family of those moments where time seemed to stand still or slow down. Though usually it had been during one of those conversations where mechs bragged about their latest interface with a mech or femme, this was the first moment he had experienced this unrealistic and impossible moment. What could he say?
“You know, Enforcer Prowl,” the Senator’s words brought him back to the current situation. Prowl focused on the Senator pushing back all emotion and brining forward his stoic gaze that he knew would not betray him. “This action ensures that you will be sentenced to the Reformatting chamber. There will be no appeal, no leniency. As an enforcer of our law you are to set an example.”
Prowl hated this mech, at this very moment he was happy to go to the reformatters but he’d make sure this fragging senator would go to his grave.
The anger, hate, and dare he acknowledge it, fear all bubbled and clogged together within his spark. To the point where he was angry at himself for coming here unarmed. Then, as it was programmed to do, the battle computer kicked in. it reigned in his emotions and cleared the chaos in him logically stating what he should do now.
Calmness settled over him as he spoke slowly to the Senator, “prove it, Senator.”
The game of wills was on and Prowl was gambling on this mech not having any evidence. “I do not need to prove your guilt.” The Senator spared a glance at Ironhide, and Prowl watched his former friend nod once. The Enforcer tensed as Ironhide pushed away from the guard rail, but the mech didn’t come near him. Ironhide strolled down the steps and around the domicile out of Prowl’s sight.
“Going to retrieve the execution squad, Senator?” Prowl asked, perhaps a little too cocky. He couldn’t lose this bluff, it was the only defence he had.
Noises from the direction Ironhide had left in reached his audios and Prowl desperately wanted to turn his head to see what was happening. He couldn’t risk it that would show he was worried. He had to maintain a mask of indifference, play along and hopefully he could walk away from this with a stalemate.
Ironhide returned to his former position at the guard rail. His optics flicked over Prowl’s shoulder and he knew there was a mech now behind him.
The sound of metal on metal had him moving, rising out of his seat. He was not quick enough as his arms were dragged back behind him and cuffs were slapped on his wrists shackling him.
He stared hard at the Senator who only offered a serene smile and twinkling optics.
“I present to you, Enforcer Prowl, my proof.” As he spoke Prowl was pulled backwards forcing him to sit uncomfortably in the chair, almost doubled over. A form lent against him, sliding against his door-wings that were pushed outwards, nearly laying flat. Lips grazed against his audios, forcing a sneer of disgust on Prowl’s face that soon slipped away at the words.
“Payback’s a glitch, right law-mech?”