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Comments 5

rizbef August 25 2012, 17:50:32 UTC
These are SO BEAUTIFUL!! Time and Silhouette are my favorites.
Saved a few! <3


valiantarcher August 25 2012, 22:24:39 UTC
First off, *hugs* It's good to hear from you again! :) Your list for the fall has about half of the items in common with my list for the fall (not that I officially have one written, but oh well). ;)) Also, hurrah for the room cleaning---classes started before I had a chance *coughs* to clean my properly and now that the first week is over, I meant to do it today, but it looked too daunting and I was too tired. :">

Lovely icons! :D I think my favourites are Time, Floral, Happy, Scared, and the second Alternate. :)


ladyadeone August 28 2012, 03:08:46 UTC
Hurray for RL! : D Off you go to college so soon. *claps* Congratulations and may God bless your endeavors. Enjoy the time you've got till then! And clean that room! ; )

Oh, I love the coloring of your AC set and Angry, particularly. World, Floral, and Blocking are also very nice.


tbt93 September 1 2012, 12:15:04 UTC
Beautiful icons,I love the coloring!:D


mtnfireflower December 9 2012, 09:12:26 UTC
These graphics are absolutely stunning! I'm a huge fan of Tangled, personally, and I loved the "I'm Terrified" graphic.

This is MountainFireflower from NarniaWeb, by the way. I don't know if you remember me, but Mal gave me the link to your LJ so I just wanted to say hello. :)

(Also, I love I'm Coming After You. Ooo ooo ooo...)


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