71 Disney icons

Dec 18, 2011 23:49

Soooo I don't know where I got the time to make all of these, but here they are and I'm pleased with most of them. *shrug* As for any real life updates, I don't think there's anything to say... all my Christmas shopping is done. That's... exciting, I think ( Read more... )

disney: lilo and stitch, disney: sword in the stone, *graphics: icons, disney: snow white, disney: aladdin, disney: beauty and the beast, disney: princess and the frog, disney: lady and the tramp, disney: the lion king, disney: cinderella, disney: tangled

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Comments 11

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proverbsun December 20 2011, 00:51:05 UTC
:D Thanks!


juneheather December 19 2011, 23:45:20 UTC
beautiful icons! My favorites are 9, 12, 56, 59, and 64. Your coloring is really nice! :)


proverbsun December 20 2011, 00:51:48 UTC
Thank you! I was a bit unsure about the colouring, so I'm glad you like it. :D


velle December 21 2011, 03:16:38 UTC
These are so beautiful!


proverbsun December 24 2011, 01:03:15 UTC
Thank you! :D


valiantarcher December 25 2011, 00:23:44 UTC
*squees* So pretty! I especially like #1, #6, #12, #14, #19, #20, #30, #42, #45, #48, #50, #60, and #68-70. :)

*hugs* Go email/call/somehow contact that school and double-check that you're really enrolled. If you are, it can't hurt and will take that worry off your mind. If you're not, then you can figure out how to proceed.
All the best with the youth group leading-thing! *another hug because she is also unsociable and awkward and nervous, especially around people who she's supposed to be in charge of, at least when you have to do more than glare at them if they get out of line...*

(On an aside, I saw The Lion King for the first time since I was really really little---and, actually, quite possibly, for the first time all the way through---the other day. :D It was quite fun... And so many hilarious quotes!!)


proverbsun February 9 2012, 04:19:59 UTC
:D Thanks, dear!

Oh I am so unsure about the youth group thing. But I am enjoying it - I made my parents rearrange our reading week holiday so I wouldn't miss it, even though nobody would mind if I miss one week but for some reason I don't want to miss it...? IDK.

You know, when I was younger, I didn't really like or dislike The Lion King, but now when I watch it I find myself thinking it's just the best thing ever. Mostly because of Rafiki I think.


valiantarcher February 11 2012, 02:58:08 UTC
:D I'm glad it's going well! No, that makes sense to me---maybe it means you're feeling useful and responsible and liking it? ;))

:D I know what you mean. And Rafiki is tons of fun. ;)


sanilinas February 4 2012, 07:03:30 UTC
Gorgeous! I love all of these, but definitely grabbing 49 and 69. Thank you, and great job!


proverbsun February 9 2012, 04:21:18 UTC
Thank you!! I'm glad you like them. :D


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