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Comments 11

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proverbsun February 16 2011, 22:03:58 UTC
Thanks! :D


sgmajorshipper February 15 2011, 19:28:38 UTC
YOU are amazing. Did you know me and my brother were just rewatching Bones from the beginning the other day(well, we started) and I was THINKING I wanted an icon from when HS was detaining Bones before Booth got there. XD
Anyway, snagging a ton and much love to you for being amazing and iconing the good stuff ;)


proverbsun February 16 2011, 22:38:55 UTC
Lol, I need to get caught up on Bones so bad. I'd only ever seen an episode here and there but me and my brothers were watched the first season and some of the second and our plans to catch up derailed after that... Booth and Brennan are <3
Hee, thanks so much! *sends much love back you for also being amazing*


leaves_lorien February 15 2011, 20:12:21 UTC
I LOVE The Prestige icons!! All the superhero ones are beautiful as well, and I especially love 19 and 20!

I actually just recently saw The Prestige and my mind was blown. It was a little creepy, but brilliant, especially the ending (that really took me by surprise) Christopher Nolan is awesome :D I love how when you think back to some of the conversations in the middle of the movie they make total sense after you see the ending (especially with Sarah and Borden).


proverbsun February 16 2011, 22:42:14 UTC
Thanks! The Prestige needs more icon-love.

I just saw it a little while ago too and I thought the same thing. MINDBLOWING. I love the way the ending should be obvious, but it isn't because who could possibly do what Borden did and just... pffff. And there are so many hints along the way but you still can't believe it at the end. :D


batcatrules February 16 2011, 01:58:29 UTC
I like the effect on 30. I might have to try that :)


proverbsun February 16 2011, 22:42:59 UTC
Thanks! (And good luck. ;) )


lovebrit_23 February 16 2011, 08:20:16 UTC
i love disney ones <3


proverbsun February 16 2011, 22:43:19 UTC
Thanks! :D


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