Be Vewy, Vewy Qwiet

Jun 05, 2007 01:09

*slight creak, a gleam of white light, and a hoarse whisper*


*the wand-light is extinguished, leaving a shaft of indirect torchlight coming in from the hall, into which creeps a dim figure, pale and tired and streaked with grime; desks are visible nearby as obscure, shadowy shapes, and the light glints as it glances off some reflective surface*

*mutters* Good lord, I had no idea it was so late.....

*tiptoes over to a door, leans out and hears nothing*

*slight sound like the cracking of an egg -- a moment later a blurry shape slips out and hurries down the hall, well camouflaged and surprisingly quiet for its size*

[[Ooh, look who's out after hours. None of this is actually written, so the only way to know that this is happening is to come across Gai in the hall. He's partially Disillusioned, which gives him a sort of chamelionic ability to blend in with the background, especially if he's standing still (OotP), and is heading straight back to the Hufflepuff common room five flights down. Kage, this is by way of background for what we were talking about.]]

bright ideas, himawari, charms, the castle

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