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Comments 7

littlerhymes January 5 2016, 10:17:59 UTC
What, only 14 by Dick Francis? *cries with lols*

I need to read this Konigsburg one.


proteinscollide January 8 2016, 13:01:55 UTC
So in the end I kind of did keep it to an average one a month. :) Time to get started on this year's run!

You do, and I 100% wish I could find a copy to own that I could lend you! It's not even available as an ebook. :(


halotolerant January 5 2016, 10:37:36 UTC
Glad you liked 'Think of England' *g*

Heh, between you and littlerhymes I'm going to be reading Dick Francis eventually, aren't I? This year I re-read a load of Christie so maybe he'll be my mystery indulgence for this year!

With you on the not-greatness of 'The Maze Runner' - such a good premise that went so nowhere. The author said in the notes in my edition that it was inspired by a dream, and that kind of fits?


proteinscollide January 8 2016, 13:03:56 UTC
Yes! You should totally start reading Dick Francis and join us :) Meanwhile, I'm itching to do a Christie reread...

Oh god The Maze Runner was so terrible. And even if it was inspired by a dream, a good editor should've made him fill in the gaps and rework the terrible illogical plot!! :p


sullen_hearts January 7 2016, 17:00:19 UTC
That's interesting you didn't know Carry On WAS the fic of the novel! I loved Fangirl and my friend is persuading me to read Carry On!


proteinscollide January 8 2016, 13:05:12 UTC
You definitely should read Carry On then! Most reviews I've seen like it just as much if not more than Fangirl. :)


sullen_hearts January 8 2016, 15:01:39 UTC
The premise of it isn't really my thing. But my friend and I are doing a thing where we send each other some of our favourite books that the other hasn't read, and she's sending me this :)


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