Insert lyric here

Feb 12, 2012 21:12

I hear there's a meme going around where you list all the songs whose lyrics you've used as song titles, which I am jumping on since I am a terrible, serial offender. :)

First instance: Love is Strange
Most recent instance: Real
Oldest song: Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight (1972)
Newest song: One More Weekend / Under Your Skin (2008)
Artist used ( Read more... )

memes, music, writerly anxiety

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Comments 5

sullen_hearts February 12 2012, 15:38:05 UTC
My fics would forever remain untitled were it not for song lyrics.


proteinscollide February 13 2012, 11:48:33 UTC
Yeah, definitely! I'm interested to know if you write the story first and then try to retrofit a lyric to it, or do you write with a certain lyric/song/album in mind which lends itself to the title?


sullen_hearts February 13 2012, 14:23:26 UTC
In bandom it's usually been retroactive, that I've written a fic and then gone back and thought of a lyric that fits the theme of the fic, like for Give A Little Love I had been listening to Rilo Kiley a lot and also talked to Carden about Rilo Kiley and also the fic is about love so it fitted? And about how the love you give gets multiplied when it comes back.

In Libs fandom I wrote a bunch of fics about specific songs, either Libertines songs and how they came to be (like one about Anything But Love), and I also wrote a few fics set to Pulp songs so they were pre-named if you like.

How about you?

Oh also, check out my LJ because I did my Songs of the Year :)


proteinscollide February 14 2012, 12:04:13 UTC
Oh wow, see, that's the kind of detail I love hearing about how stories and their themes come about and are reflected in the little things. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity! :)

Mostly I write the fics first and then I don't know what to title it and resort to finding songs to fit. But in a couple of cases the song and the lyrics have come first and I've written around them.

And YAY for Songs from 2011 posts! I've been meaning to post my albums of 2011 list for uh, two months now, heh. *scampers off to look at your list*


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