51. I love Juliet Burke

Feb 21, 2012 22:42

My guide to all things Juliet Burke. 50 things for tvrealm. THERE ARE SPOILERS. AND LARGE IMAGES. BEWARE IF YOU HAVE DIAL UP.


Title: Secrets In the Moon
Author: propernice
Rating: PG
Summary: Juliet is drunk in the rec room, where James finds her.

Title: It's My Birthday
Author: propernice
Rating: PG
Summary: Juliet drunk dials James on a very important night.

Title: I Think I Met You Once
Author: propernice
Rating: PG
Summary: Juliet keeps running into a familiar stranger in L.A.

Title: We Can Go Dutch
Author: propernice
Rating: G
Summary: Juliet lives two lives at once. NOTE: Written before the finale of the show.

Title: Everything's Wrong
Author: findthesea
Rating: G
Summary: Juliet's thoughts just before the group leaves Dharmaville in Season 5

Title: What is it About You?
Author: findthesea
Rating: G
Summary: Juliet and James talk just after the flaming arrows incident.

Title: How I Know You
Author: findthesea
Rating: G
Summary: Juliet and James talk on their way to the beach, post 'Because You Left.'

Miscellanious Graphics

by propernice



by propernice

by propernice

by propernice

courtesy of wemisslost.tumblr.com

courtesy of wemisslost.tumblr.com

courtesy of rowboatcop.tumblr.com

courtesy of rowboatcop.tumblr.com

courtesy of liamarts.tumblr.com

courtesy of neated.tumblr.com

courtesy of sawyerfords.tumblr.com

image Click to view

by propernice


001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008 009

010 011 012

013 014 015

016 017 018

019 020 021

022 023 024

025 026 027

028 029

Icon credits
1. beyondthepen
2. chromerainbow
3. driveshaft108
4. driveshaft108
5. eggb4thechicken
6. f3iv3lin3 - deleted journal
7. f3iv3lin3 - deleted journal
8. f3iv3lin3 - deleted journal
9. flaky_artist
10. flotsamjunk
11. freckles_icons
12. garden_of_aloe
13. garden_of_aloe
14. icequeen3101
15. icequeen3101
16. icequeen3101
17. iconictea
18. insanityjones
19. insanityjones
20. insanityjones
21. insanityjones
22. insanityjones
23. inthe_sunshine
24. inthe_sunshine
25. inthe_sunshine
26. inthe_sunshine
27. inthe_sunshine
28. inthe_sunshine
29. jate92

If anything looks incorrect as far as credits go, let me know please.

community: tvrealm, characters: juliet burke, tv: lost

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