I've decided to break this general Lost discussion into two posts. Because I have so much I want to say about you-know-what-that my post would be ten thousand pages long if I tried to do it all in one shot. This post is going to be gif heavy as all get out. I'm warning you, I have gifs from that ENTIRE SCENE thanks to
scandaloussteph. It was the first thing I saw this morning when I woke up and it was beautiful.
But seriously, WHERE ARE THE ICONS????
Juliet: Can I help you?
James: It's okay, I'm a-I'm a cop.
Juliet: Mhmm. Maybe you should read the machine it's rights.
James: That's funny.
Juliet: Can I tell you a secret?
James: Please.
Juliet: If you unplug it, then plug it back in again? The candy just drops right down.
James: Is that right?
Juliet: Yes. And it's technically legal.
James: I'll give it a shot.
James: Oops.
Juliet: It worked.
James: Whoa. Did you feel that?
Juliet: We should get coffee sometime.
James: I'd love to but that machine ate my dollar, I only got one left.
Juliet: We can go Dutch.
James: Juliet? Juliet it's me.
James: It's me, baby. I got you. I got you baby.
Juliet: Kiss me, James.
James: You got it, Blondie.
I will definitely admit that I may have had a moment where I yelled "SUCK ON THAT, KATE!" Because it's funny, in season three after Juliet tasered Sawyer, I thought to myself 'they would be AMAZING together'. And so I shipped it mostly to really piss off the Skaters. And then the end of season four happened and then season five happened and I have never, EVER felt so much justification for a ship before in my life.
Juliet literally DIED FOR JAMES. She died and she set off a bomb and then they found each other in the after life. I can't NOT love that so damn much that it breaks my heart.
I fully believe in my heart of hearts that not only did James need Juliet to become the man he did, but Juliet needed him. She couldn't move on. The point of all of them building that place and finding each other was because they couldn't move on. Who knows how long James lived, but when he died, Juliet was there, because she had never moved on without him.
Here I am crying again as I watch that scene again and again, and every time I get butterflies in my stomach and I love it a little bit more, because they deserved that moment. They deserved everything about that moment. And I love that the cast wanted that moment. I love that Carlton Cuse wanted that moment. I love that Elizabeth Mitchell believed in that moment enough to break away from 'V' so that we could have that moment.
I never allowed myself to think that it would be that epic. I figured it would be just a couple of flashes, the 'let's go Dutch' conversation and that would be it. So the fact that outside of Sun and Jin (and Charlie and Claire) they had the longest moment, the longest kiss, and the longest scene just blew my mind. It was so much more than I even hoped for. I cry every time he says 'I got you baby'. I cry every time the pain on Juliet's face from remembering her death is so clear. I love that Juliet gets right up into James's personal space like it's nothing when she's being snarky. And I love...I love more than I can even begin to explain the way they rushed the coffee conversation like it was some kind of confirmation that 'this is me, and you are here and this is us. I love the way she was clinging to James, needing to hold onto him. And I'm so glad they brought the conversation full circle when she asked him to kiss her.
Liz and Josh acted the HELL out of that, and now this ship - the ship I've been stanning for for YEARS even though at one point I totally thought the writers were going to have Sayid and Juliet hook up is in the afterlife having sex every minute they can.
Come on.
You and I both know it. They locked the door to that damn lounge before heading off to the church and did it RIGHT THERE.
This is my happy sigh. My 'the show could have ended right there and I would have been content' sigh. I promise fic readers everywhere that fic is coming. It's happening. I just need to decide if it's smut fic or 'after we walk into the light' fic. Or both.
My post about the rest of the show will be tomorrow.