Title: Falling In and Out of Love Fandom: Harry Potter Prompt: Infidelity Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bill/Charlie, Bill/Fleur Rating: R Warnings/Notes: incest, infidelity, witty banter, naughty language...which means ikkle kiddies should not read this, for my lovely bendleshnitz1
Title: The Dangers of Stairs Prompt: Worry Character/Pairing: Bill, Charlie Rating: G Notes/Warnings: wee!Bill, wee!Charlie, scary situations!, fluff, cuteness
Title: For the Love of Hair Prompt: Promise Character/Pairing: Bill/Charlie Rating: PG-13 Warnings: pouty!Bill, mentions of sex, hilarious conversation.
Title: Before You Go Prompt: #9 Dark Word Count: 199 Character/Pairing: Bill/Charlie Rating: R Notes/Warnings: Incest, sadness, war style...This is for the memeness
1. Write down the names of 10 characters. 2. Write a fic of 200 words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1. --
1. Ron Weasley 2. Bill Weasley 3. Neville Longbottom 4. Luna Lovegood 5. Colin Creevey 6. Hermione Granger 7. Ginny Weasley 8. Charlie Weasley 9.
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