Operation: Winchester

May 13, 2007 13:55

What is Operation: Winchester?

Operation: Winchester is a project that aims to introduce "Supernatural" to the hard-working troops overseas by sending them sets of the Season 1 DVDs (and later, season 2). In the process, we not only put some much-needed quality entertainment in the hands of a lot of deserving people (many of whom are in the coveted 'males age 18 to 24' demographic that the networks love so much), but we also help spread the word about "Supernatural" and increase sales of the DVD sets in the process.

Everybody wins!

How does it work?

Operation: Winchester participants buy a "Supernatural" season 1 DVD set, choose a contact from AnySoldier.com, and mail off the DVD set with a letter briefly explaining "Supernatural" and Operation: Winchester. Of course, you can also include other items to brighten the troops' day -- each contact on AnySoldier.com lists items they would like to receive.

Important: choose a contact that specifically asks for DVDs, or mentions having access to a DVD player. Not all troops have the ability to watch DVDs, and we don't want to disappoint anyone by sending them things they can't use.

When does it start?

Participants can start now by buying the DVD sets they plan to send, and choosing where to send them. We'll have more information soon regarding how to mail the packages, ideas for "themed" boxes and so on. We're aiming to mail the first packages by Memorial Day (US) -- May 28, 2007.

Make sure you tell us by commenting here or by emailing toastytravesty@gmail.com when you've mailed your package, so we can keep track of how many packages have been sent.

What can you do to help?

*Plan to send an Operation: Winchester package -- or two!
*Tell your friends about the project, and get them involved.
*Spread the word about the project online.
*Design graphics for the project -- banners that can be used to promote the project, icons, headers, etc.
*Design an Operation: Winchester logo that can be printed off and included with packages.
*Suggest screencaps to be used on an Operation: Winchester website. We're looking for caps showing the Winchester boys 'in action' -- aiming weapons, fighting ghosts and so on. Post the caps here, or email them to toastytravesty@gmail.com.
*If you want to help but can't send a package, you can contribute to the project's PayPal account. All funds will be used to send Operation: Winchester packages to troops overseas. More information on this will be forthcoming.
*Want to send packages to troops from other countries? Great! We'd love to include them. Research the details on how to do this, and send us the information so we can add it to the project.
*Know something we're forgetting? Have a great idea for the project? Please let us know!

If you have any questions or comments, please comment here or email toastytravesty@gmail.com.

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