I'm going to San Fran in two days. To the beach, I figured it's the PERFECT time for writing. So here's the deal.
Give me a pairing and a topic to write and I'll do it. You can request up to SEVEN fics.
Please do it?
any pairing within reason. you people know what I will NOT write.
Comments 4
Nat/Bobby - Nat...tells Bobby some 'big' news. Duh Duh duhhhhh
Dean/Haley - Dean meets Jamie.
Dean/John - Dean goes darkside after he goes evil but not all the way?
Grace/Roy - Roy comes back to the apartment beaten, battered...and not saying a word cuz apparently he thinks he sucks.
Dean/Haley - Dean meets Jamie: ooooooooooooooooooooooo that makes me think of this icon I founded
Kyla/Greg - There's a new addition to the family. Can Greg handle it?
Max/Ben - Manticore comes for their litter and someone has to protect them with their life. Whether they keep their life or not is a whole other story.
Rachel W/Zane - Rachel has news for Zane. It's HUGE.
Peter/Gabriel - Peter goes darkside and it's Gabriel that has to suffer the consequences not Sylar.
Claire/Zach - Zach takes Claire out on their honeymoon. They get stranded somewhere.
Gloria/Bruce - Gloria finds out Bruce's secret and there's a bit of teasing about it because what man associates himself with a bat?
Snake and his honey... I'll let you choose.
John/Mary when the boys are small.
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