For abercius. I owed you a slashy Xenosaga drabble, but seeing as that probably wasn't going to happen any time soon, I wrote you an Izlude drabble instead.
Thanks, that's a good, albeit short drabble. BUT, was the Ajora he saw the devil, or was it god in the form he believed the son/daughter of god should look like?
*pokes Jenn* small request? Draw me an avi since your in the "artistic mood" id ask Food but she said ask you..... PWEESE! with non-fattening sugar on top?
HOW THE FUCK COULD I HAVE MISSED THIS, GIVEN MY HUGE AND SOMEWHAT RANDOM LOVE OF IZLUDE?!??!?!?!?! This is a fail of epic proportions on my part; I should commit ritual suicide for the shame OH GOD *does so*
But seriously, I liked this. The scene between Izlude and Alma was for me one of the most heartbreaking scenes ever, and not just because I love Izlude so goddamned much. It was like...a very big dose of "love is over" except more like, "thinking that there was even love in the FIRST PLACE is over" which is more depressing. But I digress.
...Vormav doesn't seem the type to bribe his children with candy, lulz. Ironic fanfic is IRONIC, Jenn. :P How verily did the ends justify the means, you crazy-ass Capricorn!Vormav.
Comments 4
That's a semi rhetorical question. :D
Draw me an avi since your in the "artistic mood" id ask Food but she said ask you.....
PWEESE! with non-fattening sugar on top?
Ill pay you......*ahem*
But seriously, I liked this. The scene between Izlude and Alma was for me one of the most heartbreaking scenes ever, and not just because I love Izlude so goddamned much. It was like...a very big dose of "love is over" except more like, "thinking that there was even love in the FIRST PLACE is over" which is more depressing. But I digress.
...Vormav doesn't seem the type to bribe his children with candy, lulz. Ironic fanfic is IRONIC, Jenn. :P How verily did the ends justify the means, you crazy-ass Capricorn!Vormav.
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