"Title: The 11th Doctor Pairing: James/Jeremy, James/Jeremy/Richard Summary: James becomes the new Doctor, Jeremy becomes the new Master, and Richard becomes the new companion. Doctor Who/Top Gear crossover. Warnings: Crack, Homosexuality, Explicit sexual content." If James ever became the doctor... the world would end cause he'd be to busy making intricate graphs rather then doing anything jeremy the master? Psshhh not a long stretch. insane and trying to blow things up and take of the universe..... riachrd... well LOL I can see it
"Title: When Plotbuneary's Attack Fandoms: Top Gear/Pokemon Words:~2150 Summary: It starts with a Caterpie. There's also reality breaches, Abra obsession, and lots of flaily!Stig." ... aANOUTHER pokemon one?!
Comments 3
But like... x-play. I loved that show
thats where i got the censorship kittys.
since then it turned shitty though *is sad*
Pairing: James/Jeremy, James/Jeremy/Richard
Summary: James becomes the new Doctor, Jeremy becomes the new Master, and Richard becomes the new companion. Doctor Who/Top Gear crossover.
Warnings: Crack, Homosexuality, Explicit sexual content."
If James ever became the doctor... the world would end cause he'd be to busy making intricate graphs rather then doing anything
jeremy the master? Psshhh not a long stretch. insane and trying to blow things up and take of the universe.....
riachrd... well LOL I can see it
Fandoms: Top Gear/Pokemon
Summary: It starts with a Caterpie. There's also reality breaches, Abra obsession, and lots of flaily!Stig."
... aANOUTHER pokemon one?!
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