Dec 12, 2006 12:15

To join CONTEST ONE of Project Narnia, read the information below! Good luck!

To join Project Narnia's first contest, make sure you can meet the deadlines. Promptness is key and any graphics turned in past the deadline will not be allowed and will probably earn you an auf. Be sure to not second guess your work. It'll show in your work if you've got the confidence to win or if you don't think you're as good as the others. Don't get too competative--come on, it's not even a 'real' contest. If you want to join, first join the community and then comment this post with the following information (What you put down will not affect getting it, it just helps us to understand how you make your graphics and the sort.) On the fifth question, to make sure you've read the rules, post 'Auf.'

1.) - Your Name
2.) - Your Age
3.) - 3 Examples of your graphics
4.) - What Program you make your graphics in.
5.) - In or Auf?

GOOD LUCK! Can't wait to see some fresh talent!

After we get 10 contestants more information will be posted. Please pimp us so we can get more members and more contestants so this can get goin' fast!

WE NEED ONE MORE PERSON! If you're thinking about signing up but havent yet, PLEASE DO IT NOW!! :)
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