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Comments 48

Action mode, go! poutin_maple December 17 2010, 21:10:27 UTC
[Upon seeing the restaurant and hearing the voice, he went over to the designated area immediately. Granted, without a map and people either not noticing him or ignoring him completely, it was hard to get directions. But he made it there, and he can see the sign; and France, too.]

Papa France..? C'est beau!

[Smiles at the restaurant, and at France.]


Hooray, action~ \o/ paysdelamour December 17 2010, 23:04:44 UTC

[Francis hears his little boy's voice, surprisingly well actually considering Canada's shy nature, and he smiles bright, and kisses his son's cheeks as a greeting.]

It's so good to see you, cher! Ah la la, for a while I was worried. [S-since they haven't met yet in the other RP. D:]

Merci beaucoup! I'm glad you like the place.


poutin_maple December 17 2010, 23:21:04 UTC
[Smiles and laughs lightly.]

I'm all right, papa, don't worry.

[Looks back to the restaurant.]

De rien, of course I like it. It's beautiful. Et papa France's cooking is the best.


paysdelamour December 17 2010, 23:53:36 UTC
Mm, I'm so glad to see you, mon cher! [Kisses his cheeks again for good measure.]

[And he laughs.] That's the idea. And I'll live on top of the restaurant too! My apartment's not done yet, mais, it will be soon.


Action Mode. curltug December 17 2010, 22:49:05 UTC
[Staring at the sign above the doorway, he smiles. He's managed to find the right place, and he only managed to get lost twice! He did have a guide, but that doesn't matter.]

Ahh, I can't wait to eat here! Big brother France makes lovely food, ve. He always makes me nice things.

[He continues to stare at the outside of the restaurant, taking in the appearence.]

He made it really pretty too!


Action~ paysdelamour December 17 2010, 22:54:34 UTC
[France smiles at his little brother, patting him on the head.]

Oh, mon cher, I have some pasta dishes I could make for you right now. It's open for business after all.

[He seems very proud when Feli mentions the restaurant.]

Merci beaucoup. I worked very hard on it, Italie.


Action~ purity_npcs December 17 2010, 23:25:47 UTC
[Sometimes working for the paper had its advantages, and an all expenses paid trip to review the lottery winner's restaurant didn't seem like such a bad catch as jobs went. Still, it could be awful. What if he couldn't cook?

Actually...it couldn't get much worse than refried noodles from yesterday. Even his dog had turned his nose up at that, not that George could really blame him.

No, dinner out didn't seem so bad. Shame he didn't have any company, right?]

I have a reservation for two--Eyewitness Ltd? If a pretty lass comes in here alone send her my way, there's a big tip in it for you.

[He winks, running a hand back through his greying hair.]


Action, sorry this is late I had to set up a new printer D: paysdelamour December 18 2010, 00:58:44 UTC
[He smiles brightly at the man, how charming! And so very handsome too. But he seemed straight, he did mention "lass". Damn.]

Of course, monsieur. I will do my very best. And right this way to your table! [He takes him to the best table in the place, close to the kitchen but not too close, and right next to one of the new, recycled-glass windows. He pulls out the chair for him and gets him a menu.] Je m'appelle Francis, I am your waiter and cook for this evening. I will just give you a few minutes to look over the menu, and be right back to serve you your drink order. [He wouldn't want to crowd his new customer after all, and bows his head a little to him, going to make a quick check on his other customers.]


Action <3 It's okay, I had to sleep anyway. purity_npcs December 18 2010, 13:15:22 UTC
[George does try to keep up appearances, you know. Well, it doesn't seem as bad a place as all that. Good service, friendly staff. Nothing to complain about yet, which was honestly a pain in the ass as far as writing a review went. Nobody wanted to hear about a restaurant which was perfect in every way, they wanted scandal and intrigue and food with severed fingers and bloatfly wings in it.

He follows to the table, drops down into his seat and looks Francis in the eye for a moment before taking the menu from in front of him. Right. Drink menu, then... Now what was he going to charge to the boss this time?]


paysdelamour December 20 2010, 21:51:55 UTC
[Ohoho, Francis knows your type. He knows the critics who simply try to ruin as many restaurant's star ratings as they can. But Francis is going to be sweet and polite the entire night, and make sure you get the best damn food that he can give you.

That's right, you're getting sabotaged, monsieur Evans.

He comes back after checking on everyone else, filling up glasses of water and tea and keeping tabs on the others, mentally filing each person in his mind. Then, he goes back to George, smiling softly at him.]

May I start with your drink order, m'sieur?


voice. ;^; & i'm such a late tagger. i hope it's all right;; tooyoung December 18 2010, 10:09:36 UTC
[ it's a little half-mumble, ] what kind of food is 'exquisite' food?


Video and I love backtags x3 paysdelamour December 18 2010, 20:53:09 UTC
Ah, mon cher, I simply meant that my food is very good... that's all.


voice forever! for now. at least. tooyoung December 18 2010, 22:36:48 UTC
Well, yeah. I know that part, I just meant, what can I find on the menu?

[ Although, I don't think I'd be very picky right now anyway. Mnn. It's probably really expensive.

Hamburger. ]


Permavideo because France is a narcissist~ <3 paysdelamour December 19 2010, 02:35:27 UTC
Oh, oui, of course. I have some salmon and cod dishes, and of course the standard American fare of things like steaks and hamburgers, then I have some soups and stews... [And he lists off several other things from the menu, he has basically the assortment that most of Boston has, plus a few French items, and a few pasta dishes... no, he doesn't cater to his baby brother Italy's every whim]


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