Round One - Challenge Two - Submit

Oct 26, 2006 00:09

Round One - Challenge Two


This second challenge is also non-elimination (the last non-elim). For this week, please pick an iconmaker competing in the other track and ask them about their favorite iconning technique. Maybe it's a gradient that they love, or that old friend the blue exclusion layer. Or perhaps it's a way of blending images or a fantastic font, or even a particular angle of crop.

Each member should ask one other member, although you do not necessarily have to ask the member who asked you. (So for example, A, B, and C are in the Enthusiast track; X, Y, and Z are in the Advanced track. A asks X for a technique. X asks C for a technique. C asks Y, Y asks A. B and Z ask each other.) Please only share your favorite technique with one other iconmaker to ensure that everyone has a different partner.

This may be confusing, so if you have questions, please feel free to email us or comment here.

Since we had some drop off from round one, rusalkatrix and gunshou will stand in on the Enthusiast Track for those who were disqualified or deferred. One of us will take on two techniques from the A-track, so that everone gets a chance to collaborate.

You can communicate in the comments to this post (preferred) or by email or LJ Talk or whatever else you prefer. But please let us know in a comment who you've asked and who has asked you so we can be sure everyone has a collaborative partner.

ENTHUSIAST TRACK: pick iconning trick from Advanced Track

ADVANCED TRACK: pick iconning trick from Enthusiast Track


[x] You must be a member of the community AND signed up for the round to submit.
[x] Your icons must conform to LJ standards: 100x100 px or fewer, >=40KB filesize, and .png/.gif/.jpg.
[x] You must remain in one track until the end of the round.
[x] There are no byes; you are committed to submit until the end of the round.
[x] If you decide you're dissatisfied with your submission, you may resubmit before the deadline.

Please submit one icon to this unscreened post by Monday, October 30th at 9pm EST.

Thank you, and have fun!

Feel free to use the comments section of this post to talk to each other, ask questions, etc. If you'd like to track the comments (to keep up), click on the "Track comments" box (it looks like a push-pin; shown below), and you'll be notified each time someone makes a new comment.


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