McCain has lost control of his monster. This was evident a few days ago as he found himself having to correct snopesworthy concerns of audience members at a rally, but stumblingly - at one point uttering a soundbite that seemed to backhandedly endorse an Obama presidency. Yikes
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Comments 8
Sadly, I think not. Really, at this time of year, any explanation one can provide to anyone is received as "YOUR CANDIDATE SUCKS!" even if it's not politically motivated.
As far as the second supposition... We can hope they continue with their intelligence gathering, as that's the single only thing that has prevented more tragedies. Not a single piece of their security theater otherwise has helped.
Tell your congress critters that you support intelligence gathering as method but you're not supportive of their security theater methods.
*sigh* I am, in some ways, ashamed to be an American. I'd feel worse if I were traveling outside the country. Don't get me wrong, it's still one of the best damn places to live, but we've embarrassed ourselves on the world stage too many times in the last six years. Way too many. (Yes, I know you know this... just repeating, cause I'm feeling
I really am more concerned about what's going to grow out of the McCain campaign's assurances that their principal opponent isn't merely wrong or unprincipled, but is a traitorous crypto-terrorist, begging the question "And what do we do with terrorists?" With a wink.
As far as I know, this sort of behavior is unprecedented in American presidential politics.
The mob mentality is so vast, it's just scary to think about. And there's not much that will get people to put down those pitchforks and torches.
That's an if, though.
I wouldn't put it past them to try both, in that order. On that basis, the hate-mongering of recent weeks is theatre to set up deniability when they murder the president-elect. It will let them claim that some redneck loser did it, rather than an assassin in their pay (whoever, precisely, "they" are.)
And I can't think of any scenarios where members of Party A would really gain anything from killing anyone in Party B, outside of a full-blown military coup or something. I'm definitely more afraid of honest-to-god lone nuts, whose chain-letter-stoked fantasies are all being validated by Palin and her ilk. Historically, they've shot our presidents and blown up our buildings for less.
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