2021 in fic writing

Jan 02, 2022 15:34

The fic:

And after, and after Scorpion. Teen. Paige Dineen/Walter O’Brien. 720 words. Ep 4.4 ‘Nuke Kids on the Block’ coda. Summary: The rest of the mayonnaise date.

(All the following ficlets were written for the Three Sentence Ficathon 2021)

as if we were other people Harry Potter. PG. Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood. 112 words. Written for the prompt ‘Harry Potter (books, EWE), Draco/Luna, bittersweet’.

The Little One Harry Potter. PG. Ginny Weasley. 80 words. Written for the prompt ‘harry potter, ginny weasley, size is no guarantee of power’.

Options 10 Things I Hate About You. Universal. Kat, Mandella, Kat/Patrick. 102 words. Written for the prompt ‘10 Things I Hate About You, Kat Stratford (and optionally Patrick), any’.

Entreaty Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Universal. Kira Nerys. 62 words. Written for the prompt ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Kira + any, any’.

Hail, Sigrid Queen The Hobbit. PG. Sigrid. AU. 256 words. Triple fill for the prompt ‘lotr, sigrid, queen!sigrid’. Summary: Three ways Sigrid became queen.

May 2021
Limerick Scorpion. Universal. Team. Written for the prompt ‘Any fandom, any character, fandom-appropriate limerick’.

Peridot Harry Potter, Universal. Ginny/Harry drabble. Written for the prompt ‘Any, any, peridot’.

Accoutrements Frankie Drake Mysteries/Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. PG. Frankie. Phryne. Written for the prompt ‘Frankie Drake Mysteries/Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Frankie Drake & Phryne Fisher, a meeting of great private detectives’. 110 words.

Balcony Scene Harry Potter. Minerva McGonagall, Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy. Written for the prompt ‘any, any pairing, "thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably"’. Post epilogue. Drabble.

The numbers:

In 2021, I posted 10 ficlets in seven fandoms to Dreamwidth; I posted six of them to AO3 and ff.net (I only post drabbles and above there). Three of those fandoms were new to me, 10 Things I hate About You, The Frankie Drake Mysteries and Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. (I have to admit I’ve only seen some, not all episodes of the last two.) The other fandoms were Scorpion (for which I wrote the most words), Harry Potter (for which I wrote the most ficlets), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and The Hobbit (movies). Most of them were written for the Three-Sentence Ficathon in the first half of the year.

I’m surprised I wrote and posted that much, if I’m honest. For most of the year, I just didn’t have the bandwidth. I’ve written bits and bobs and poked a few WIPs, but not come close to finishing and posting anything else.

The (even more selected than usual) questions:

Most popular fic of 2021: ‘Accoutrements’ or ‘Hail, Sigrid Queen’, depending on how you measure it, ‘And then, and then’ did better on ff.net.

The longest completed fic you posted in 2021: ‘And after, and after’ was 720 words by my count, 719 by AO3’s, which has been around my average fic length of late. It was written as a coda in response to an episode, whereas everything else was in response to a prompt and the only requirement was that it be three sentences long.

The shortest completed fic you wrote in 2021: ‘Limerick’ as it was a limerick is the shortest . The drabbles ‘Peridot’ and ‘Balcony Scene’ were the shortest fic I posted on AO3 and ff.net.

Fandom you enjoyed writing for the most in 2021: I clearly felt comfortable writing Harry Potter fic.

Favourite character to write about in 2021: And I appear to have felt comfortable with writing about Ginny.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Writing 10 Things…, Frankie Drake working with Miss Fisher or Rose and Scorps fic probably wouldn’t have occurred to me if weren’t for the prompts. The crossover, probably, as I’d read 10 Things and Rose/Scorpius fic.

Current number of WIPs: 20 if you define ‘in progress’ as started or looked at in 2020, but if I’m honest, I doubt I’ll finish most of them or aim to post them, any more than the Scorpion season 3-related fic I mentioned at the start of last year..

Most memorable comment/review: This question, apart from a chance to look back and ponder, is why I do this, it’s a good reason to go back and reread all the nice feedback I got this year for the fic above and the older fic. The one that made me laugh observed that one fic was the only fic they’d come across about a certain pairing and it was the best.

In conclusion: I’m not one for writing goals at the moment. Scorpion was the only live-for-me fandom I interacted with via fic writing in 2021 - some of those WIPs are reactions to the end of season 4 and the show. If it hadn’t been for the Three Sentence Ficathon prompts, I don’t know what else I would have written, but I felt I could manage three sentences (thrice that in one case.) I’m quite happy with what I’ve reread to compose this post, and the total number of words posted might be shorter than one fic some people posted over the year, but that’s all right.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/482496.html.

scorpion, links, themed links, films, st: ds9, writing, star trek, meme, harry potter, tv pre-2021, books, meta, self-promoting links, writing meta

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