Still burned (Burn Notice season 3 on DVD)

May 05, 2019 08:39

Among the other things I’ve posted about over the past few months, I’ve been watching Burn Notice season 3 on DVD. It’s almost 10 years old! As it’s got a ‘client of the week’ format, it’s not the easiest show to binge on, so I’ve more or less been watching one episode a week.

I found the quality of episodes about the same, although I thought they stepped it up with the finale, with the threats made at the start of the season being made really real, Michael’s good intentions about working with Fi and Sam instead of using them never working out as they rushed around Miami trying to mitigate a disaster Michael had helped let loose, and Madeline undergoing an interrogation about Michael.

For better or worse, Madeline got to know more about Michael was up to and had done this season. She even got involved in cases, and was awesome, like the time she was the best interrogator.

The Michael/Fiona got shaken up, as she got frustrated about his obsession with returning to being a proper spy and later working with psychopath Gilroy (and his unconvincing accent) when that didn’t work out. But the moment where he killed Shenkman to protect her, the highly amusing scene at a hotel where she’d brought guns and he’d been thinking of a night off, and his quiet devastation when she said she was back off to Ireland were highlights. All the dodgy Oirish accents in ‘Long Way Back’.

I love The A-teamesque make-do with what you’ve got and pretend to be whatever works in any given situation appeals to me. Particular highlights included Michael’s mysterious persona in ‘Friendly Foe’ and Fi pretending to be his victim tied up in his boot, or Bruce Campbell letting his comic instincts rip.

Granted, when you compare it to Person of Interest, it doesn’t have much to say about the state of the world. What Michael did as a spy and is and isn’t willing to do now is more about him on a personal level - this particularly struck me towards the end of the series where the bad guy being renditioned to Poland (why Poland?) was unequivocally bad. But the best episodes were sharp about all these characters’ relationships with each other.

Other stuff: I read some casting rumours about the Black Widow movie. WHY EMMA ‘EYEBROWS’ WATSON? Why???

And, post-Endgame, there I was thinking ‘ooh, Men in Black: International’ may be fun and then I saw the trailer and beheld Liam Neeson and suddenly I’m much cooler on the reboot.

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marvel cinematic universe, trailerwatch, burn notice, watching, dvds, films, tv pre-2019

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