Writing and Captain Marvel expectations

Mar 04, 2019 18:50

I posted two ficlets yesterday. we wish for better, a Gotham drabble (Selina/Bruce, post season 4) that I wrote quickly last week, and I would have posted sooner, but because I didn’t, it had a less fussy title, although ‘we wish for better’ may be tempting derision. Anyway, I like the realisation Selina comes to. It wasn’t a requirement for it to be a drabble, IIRC.

Just a Very High Number has been floating about the hard-drive for months, and should be 711 words long, but isn’t. It’s self-indulgent original fic (het) set in space, OKAY, with an implied joke about exotically coloured orbs. The protagonist is named after one of Galileo’s daughters, though.

So, that was a bit of me clearing the desks. I’m working on other fics, but they’re not ready to post. I considered doing the first sentence from five WIPs meme, but between the fact that with many fics of mine, a sentence is a large portion of the fic, that I’m doubtful I’ll post some of them and that those memes jinx me, I decided not to. However, that led to me doing some editing on another story I hadn’t done anything with this year.

On another topic entirely, Captain Marvel will soon be out. (Please be good. Please be good.) There’s been a LOT going on in the trailers, some of it promising. But the clips of Carol and Mar-Vell fight training have me fairly sure I’m in trouble already. I'm right in assuming that Jude Law is playing Mar-Vell, right?

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/372279.html.

batverse, links, films, gotham, writing, marvel cinematic universe, trailerwatch, shipping, tv pre-2019, writing meta, self-promoting links

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