In which the phrase 'next of kin' is used

Jan 17, 2018 06:46

Next of Kin episode 2

The show now has a nice title sequence now, with clips of the extended Shirani family enjoying a happy day - fodder for contrast with the episode proper.

Everyone was making stupid decisions: the family and the (surprisingly well-funded oh well it’s a TV drama) police. Mona kept on with the family tradition of well-meaning secrets, even after she knew Danesh had hardly been helped by them. Guy was clearly on Team Shirani this episode (his mother is terrible! This allowed Davenport to do his wry, put-upon schitck, which I appreciate) so the fact that she didn’t tell him everything she knew is going to hurt.

So, it was all very well getting snippy and not trusting the police/the state after they lied to get her to Lahore to bring out Dani, but going off on her own in the middle of Lahore when she had security because her brother was assassinated there so recently? On the strength of recognising Dani’s handwriting, I guess. Shocking survival instincts, Nona.

Granted, she can’t have expected to get shot by her security detail (was it a poor aim or deliberate?) Dani rushing off - still without his passport, poor, stupid boy - was understandable in those circumstances.

I’d like to hear a little more of whatever got Dani to say he was ashamed of his father. It seems like Dr Kareem was being selfless about the clinic, and although you could argue he wasn’t as great on the homefront, that’s not strong enough for ‘shame’. But then, I don’t think Danesh was bright enough to flourish at uni.

And even before the trail for next week, it was obvious that big sis Nona’s habit of bein Bank of Nona and Guy for her younger brother would come and bite them.

The scene where their son told his aunt he’d watched the video of his uncle’s death was heartbreaking.

Although I think they are all making stupid decisions that exacerbate the situation, you can see why the family are. The police? The family should lawyer up. I don’t know if the show will manage to keep me feeling sorry for the main characters as they inadvertently make things worse for themselves, though.

Panjabi looked gorgeous with the red headscarf.

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