September 1940

May 10, 2016 07:46

Home Fires 2.6

Although I dipped in and out of the BAFTAs (Wolf Hall rightly did well) on Sunday, I chose to watch this series finale live.

It took me ridiculously long to realise that the inspection of Steph’s farm was to do with Sarah’s deserter.

After the last few episodes, it was a relief that the show remembered Sarah and Nick nearly had an adulterous the start of this series. Most of the focus was on Theresa’s doubts about marrying Nick - as Flying Lady pointed out, she was running the risk of making two people miserable. But I think we also saw that Sarah still has the ability to get to Nick. I know that the deserter spoke to his commanding abilities, but he was very angry with her. Okay, she lied to his face - siding with Adam by framing it as What Would Adam do? - but he’s never got that passionate around Theresa in any way that we’ve seen. It doesn’t seem that how he appears before her or his respect for her mattered as much as they did with Sarah. My rebound theory was confirmed then. (If Adam had died offscreen so that these two could get together, I wouldn’t have been sad).

But despite the hesitation, Theresa said ‘I do’. And I shook my head. Because there’s drama and misery ahead.

A baby being born during a wedding is quite the cliché. Joyce decided some first aid training made her a midwife (a bit nasty of me when she was rather decent to Frances in her own way and sent Bryn out the front for the best of reasons.) I only really realised in a delayed fashion that Bryn was killed by the crashing plane. (OTT series ending, although given the bomb on top of the bomb shelter and the car crash, they had to go big. It also tied in nicely with the deserter’s fears and Jenny’s plotline. Plus Dsvid observing.) Should have seen it coming when Miriam sang her paean to her husband, but I was more interested in the women who were less happy in their marriages than her and Erica in that scene.

Ack. Miriam probably isn’t going to take it well, even thought setting up the support group locally was such a positive step. And David can’t take over the business - what will they do?

Despite the taken young girl who chatted him up, and despite Thomas, Laura’s bluntness towards David and his issues (and that it’s reciprocated) makes me ship them, slightly, despite the class issues.

I was glad that Pat finally stood up to Bob - you’d have thought someone else at the reception would have noticed she was making a scene. In between the melodrama, I got to make ‘but that’s a dead drop’ jokes about Pat and Marek’s method of exchanging notes. I half-expected someone to think they were guilty of espionage, but then I half-expected Bob’s book to be the pointed tale of the brave soldier he thinks he is, being betrayed by his dreadful wife and for that to have been how he let Pat know he knew.

Yay Spencer for standing up for an overworked Claire! Frances beginning to let Noah in was something, and though I felt that they’d contrived so hard to get to that point, the scene where Allison admitted she’d sort of known the parachute deal was dodgy and Frances felt it was One More Betrayal was well acted.

It’s only been a year since war broke out, this series could run and run...

Further to my last post I see that Feige is hoping to maybe intend to make a Black Widow movie in 2019 or some time like that. He and Marvel will only be a few years late...

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