My Captain America: Civil War reaction

May 09, 2016 08:02

Marvel, I still don’t see why a standalone Black Widow movie isn’t upcoming. I really don’t.

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marvel cinematic universe, my film reviews, trailerwatch, x-men, films

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Comments 3

daria234 May 9 2016, 17:29:50 UTC
I really enjoyed the review!

I didn't know there was a rogue cut of DOFP?

For Natasha, it seemed like she didn't believe the accords were the morally best thing to do but were a good strategy to adapt to the situation. I honestly thought she would be an actual double agent, though, on Steve's side all along, but it seemed like protecting the team was just way more important than which side was right.

LOL I thought the same thing - Martin Freeman should totally be in Dr. Strange.

I would love a Black Widow movie that's like a Bond movie but with someone who's of course way more badass and fun than Bond. I don't even need a backstory or a redemption arc - even just a badass spy story with kicking ass and one-liners and saving the day.


profshallowness May 10 2016, 07:04:16 UTC
I really enjoyed the review!

Thank you!

The Rogue cut of DOFP is a slightly extended cut available on Blu-Ray/DVD, with more scenes involving Rogue in particular.

You're right that Natasha saw it as a strategic move. I never thought that she would be a double agent, though that might have been cool.

it seemed like protecting the team was just way more important than which side was right.

Yes, this is what came through to me, and after all that she'd been through - I mean she's the character with the longest history with Steve and Tony of the bunch - that made sense.

Apparently they're warming to the idea of a Black Widow movie (but not for many years). There are so many ways they could go with it! So long as it passed the Bechdel test, I'd be happy.


daria234 May 10 2016, 22:25:56 UTC
Thanks for the info on DoFP - that sounds like something I'd like.

Yay on a BW movie. That would be great.


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