And now for something cheerier: recs!

Aug 20, 2013 20:44


Tex-Mex, Lies and Facebook: signe (oxoniensis)
Ensemble, gen, teen.

I really enjoyed this coda/fix-it and how pretty much everyone had their moment in this series of vignettes.

Crossover with Downton Abbey
Downton Avengers - a different class of heroes: redscharlach (inspired by Iron Man 3)

Hilariously cracktastic.

Iron Man
Mnemosyne’s Lock: VR Trakowski
Tony/Pepper, teen, multi-chapter

In which Pepper loses her memory, forgetting how and why her relationship with Tony changed and that he’s Iron Man. Does so much right with the amnesia trope, so I’d definitely point you towards it if you love the trope (although I found Tony a bit too emo).

The Brothers Bloom

you've got the ways and means to make it alright: gyzym
Gen - focusing on Bloom and Stephen, but featuring Bloom/Penelope. I'd rate it teen.

Really high-quality writing that captures the tone of the movie and the frustration and love in Bloom and Stephen's relationship.

When he's with Stephen he feels like the world is his candy dish, but that's probably because Stephen honestly thinks it is.


Algebra: cappylicious and sisabet
Troy-centric fanvid, spoilers for season 2

This is a really enjoyable look at Troy.

The Dark Knight Rises

In her mother's likeness: vestigialwords
Ra's al-Ghul/Talia's mother, Talia/Bane, teen.

This has such a fitting tone for a story that fleshes out memories recounted. Haunting.


i say fever: beccatoria
(potentially disturbing content)

This is a great John/Aeryn vid. It reminded me of how much I loved this show and this couple. It shows the angst that they went through but also the undeniable why of it.

Harry Potter

Tiny Metal Heart: sundancekid
How Hermione destroyed the Horcrux in the Hufflepuff Cup.

Really good 'missing scene' from DH that balances action and emotion well. (Features a couple of errors.)

Luna Lovegood: mowgli97

Fanart. I love her socks.

Non Plaustra Vade!: Shimmertwins (Luminosity & Ozonebaby) & Lindsey Lee

Wonderous vid that gives an overview of Harry's journey. The darkness and loss are very much there, but so is the wonder. (Spoilers for all the movies)

The Incredibles

The Birth of an Empire: Chokalatte

Great origins story for Edna - and backstory for the Incredibles universe itself, actually - which is no less than she deserves, of course!

The greatest good: dudski

Very sympathetic look at Helen from the time she was a kid herself to just before the bulk of the film.

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Love Today: aga (spoilers to about the late eighties)

This introduction vid made me chuckle. Also it encapsulates what the series is about pretty well, so if you're undecided about watching LBD this should help (although you could just watch the first ep and decide based on that) and if you did watch the webseries, this should remind you of what you liked so much.

I AM TOTES ADORBS: silksieve
gen, focusing on Lydia-Mary friendship

Lydia IS ‘totes adorbs’ and very much herself in this collection of private Tumblr posts from October to December fleshing out what happened them. PLUS the gift list made me all choky.

thelydiab: we are such bffs
mabqueen: Only if you never call me “bff.”

like sugar on my tongue: empressearwig
Lizzie, Gigi, Darcy, Fitz, Lizzie/Darcy

"And that leaves you, Lizzie Bennet," Gigi says. "So are you in or are you out? Keep in mind, there's only one answer to this question that I'm going to accept."

The summary is 'Wherein Lizzie is kidnapped and forced to sing karaoke:. Set during the San Francisco visit, it's got that delightful mix of amusing and swoony that the show managed at its best.

Some Days: elenvine
Lizzie/Darcy, long

This is quite a moving take on the Pemberly arc (I think it was written early on, because it diverges from what happened towards the end of Lizzie's time there and a little too much happend that she never mentioned). I particularly liked the insights Lizzie gains about the Darcy family and the comparisons with the Bennets.


Untitled: swordznsorcery

Writen for my prompt 'Door, opening the door to No. 10 Downing Street', this is Door POV fic, which is awesome bcause it's Door POV fic, but also because it upends the familiar as she visits London Above - fittingly, the prompt was more of a jumping-off point. (Spoilers for the book/TV show).

"We are going on a quest, I take it?"

"At first light," said Door


Untitled: swordznsorcery

Written for my prompt 'Paradox, Christian King, Rebecca Flint, help (can ignore the finale or fix it!)', I love this continuation that develops the consequences of what happened in the final epsode, It just gets what I loved about Rebecca and Christian's relationship and the show. Paradox fic is rarer than hen's teeth (because nobody watched it and so it got cancelled), so good Paradox fic is a treat. (Spoilers for everything.)

For somebody who was easily the most intelligent man she had ever met, and was quite likely the most intelligent man that she ever would meet, he could be remarkably dense at times.

Pacific Rim

Reconstruction site: disco_vendetta (brinn)
Raleigh/Mako, Teen, long.

This is absolutely gorgeous.

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jane austen, tv, links, films, farscape, harry potter, downton abbey, webseries, batverse, fanvid recs, themed links, crossover recs, marvel cinematic universe, community: the tv series, recs, paradox, the lizzie bennet diaries, books, fanart recs, fanfiction recs

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