
May 02, 2009 18:32

I watched the deleted scenes on X-Men 3, most of which I can see why they dropped, but there were two alternate scenes that would have made me dislike the film less. I was so mad at them for not having Marie choose to remain Rogue, to trust in her powers and become the Rogue I knew from growing up on the cartoons/a member of the team. Her reaction in the queue to get 'the cure' was ambivalent and they didn't show her digesting Logan's words and coming to the decision, so although I got it, I didn't like it. And as 'the cure' was only temporary, it made he whole thing somewhat dramatically pointless, although I think we were only meant to care about how it would affect Magneto, not Mystique and Rogue. The fact that they went so far as to film this scene and clearly weren't sure which to keep in says a lot about the lack of clarity in making the film. I mean, come on, it's not like 'will Magneto have a bread on in this scene or not?' or 'Will Vinnie Jones say this stupd line of that stupid line'? It was a big deal.

I do understand why they had Logan choose to remain at the Mansion, although he looked so King of the Castle I wanted to slap him, and I think it would have been truer to him to have him go back on the road (and give such a nice nod to X1). I probably knew and forgot about the alternate Rogue scene at the time, like I did know, but forgot, that there had been a comic explaining why Nightcrawler wasn't in X3. I'll probably go to see Wolverine on Monday.

ER T=minus-6 Good little episode, I'm relived that Archia and Claudia are still together while Simon and Neela are likely to break up. I liked the Carter-Banfield interactions, and although I thought that Tony and Sam seemed to have moved on a lot from their tentative reconciliation, it was touching and she needed it. Sad to say, the Arrested Development lot did nothing for me, well, Tony Hale's character was less annoying his time around, but Judy Greer and her character's husband weren't that funny. Still, less underwhelming, as a whole than the past few eps Huh, less to say than I thought about that.

Saw Pushing Daisies 2.13 Kerplunk Oh show. I thought the ending - although if there is a show that could get away with the narrator tidying things up and giving us a glimpse of everyone's future, 'tis this - was a bit much, and not as satisfying as more episodes would be. I can rationally see that it's too expensive (the visuals!) if t isn't making the ratings, which it hasn't here in the UK, let alone in the US, so not even Toblerone's sponshership could raise it from the dead. Which was a bit of a wince-maker, as I sat there stunned at the end.

It was good to have this development for Lily and Vivian, but for V to find out nd then...Chuck shows up? That was enough for four episodes. The water show was daft and fabulous and a nice glimpse into a backstage world (again), and I loved having Emerson Cod and the Lil Bit on a cse. And although Ned made a great gesture - and there was an 'of course', Chuck could probably get away with telling the Aunts she'd faked her death. Selfish!Pie Maker moment, there's the usual 'there was so much story to tell' glumness. I loved the show's intelligence and quirkiness, though not quite in a fannish - I wan the DVDs - way, more in an I wanted it to keep running way. I'd swap it for Heroes in a heartbeat.

American Idol five become four. Oho. Danny is the audience's favourite then. I find him a little insincere and he was dull this week until the final third, although I like his song. I thought Matt should/would go the second he'd said he studied jazz, plus I am still faithful to Melindas rendition of that song. Allison was fine, if superficial and technically unable to sing the sentences through. Great voice, but her youth plays against her. Kris is becoming almost my favourite, except I think Adam can be brilliant. I thought his entrance and the final 'feeling' were, but for the est of it - I type this with Muse playing in the background, I didn't think he was raw (or sleazy) enough, but he has an Elvisy look to him, and although I think he sometimes falls into theatrics and is nowhere near as original ss most of the audience/judges of AI think he is, he's been the stand-out for me for weeks.

I loved all five singing at the start of the results show. They really are a good bunch. But the results were...interesting

And Heroes 1961 I liked young!Angela, and the Angela/Charles vibe was interesting, with his power of persuasion and thinking about Arthur. I'm not trying to make sense of it all - though Angela's sister is Storm? And the socks explanation worked. But really, everyone has zig-zagged, they're rebuilding their lives but keeping it a secret while not being the Company now, yes? Except Sylar has stolen Nathan's identity?

Actually, thinking about practicalities, I don't know if I'll be able to watch the last two episodes. As to whether I want to, I'm certainly not going to put in an extraordinary effort to do so.

american idol, tv, x-men, dvds, films, pushing daisies, er, heroes: the tv series

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