Fic recs (and one or two non-fic recs)

Mar 03, 2007 20:50

First batch of fic recs for 2007. It's as good a snapshot as any of what I've been reading, a few being from Yuletide (which I discovered from others' recs). It'd probably be quite multi-fannish without Yuletie, though. I haven't got round to anything off the female character-centric list yet, but will probably do so having done this 'spring ( Read more... )

bones, tv, alias, firefly, themed links, films, crime scene investigation, reading, crossover recs, recs, buffyverse, er, books, supernatural

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Comments 2

rez_lo March 5 2007, 04:25:23 UTC
Oh, thank you for the Lenore (SPN) recs!


profshallowness March 5 2007, 18:26:55 UTC
You're welcome - I got them by femmenerd's good offices (spcifically her delicious tag). I just remembering really liking the Sam-Lenore connection and thinking 'there MUST be fic' and there was, and it was good.


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