I watch a lot of TV. (Monday and Tuesday edition).

Feb 07, 2007 19:58

Numb3rs Harvest 2.14
Yay! Amita (Navi Rawat did a lot of good work - the moment where she was clearly expecting Larry to win the prize was great). In terms of the character, we could have done with, erm, actually meeting her grandmother. That felt like an obvious missing chunk. But I liked the development of the Charlie/Amita in that she turned to him and her need to vent meant that she babbled through his inability to respond normally. Aww, I did so sympathise with him trying to get back to writing on the blackboard and responding. And he did, in fact, end up helping her, like she must have know he would. And I liked the spontaneity of the kiss, though lack of reaction much, editor/director?

Otherwise, a bit too much explaining of what had just been explained in the previous scene and David was supremely silly in not waiting for the ambulance driver, who was a Serious Suspect in the scene before, to get out of the ambulance before flashing his badge. I'm sure they did it for the car chase, but I'm also convinced that someone failed to supervise the script in the development of this ep, because that was only the most glaring example. Megan was still cool.

I think I'm probably being a little too kind to the show just for giving us Amita development, but there you go.

CSI 7-3 Toe Tags. The Guide said the show jumped the shark with this ep - well, it's not like the show hasn't tried fancy narrative devices before and it hasn't really worked. The dead people talking was just weird and had no dramatic impact - they had so little affect. And was it them telling each other how they died or did they pick up on what the CSIs were doing? The visiting students were a better device, as Lefty and I were left to ponder the likelihood of dying because the right-handed world is a cruel one, I felt some kind of connection. The stories were too short (what a waste of Rick Yune) and, I know two were jump-offs from films (American Beauty and the chainsaw massacre) but were the others?

Still - ARCHIE! Twice (leading to the pleasing conundrum, who is hotter - Archie Kao or Rick Yune?). We got a snapshot of the state of everyone's mind - well, not Greg because he had three seconds of screen-time. Iiiinteresting that both Catherine and Warrick are throwing themselves into work (I may be influenced by having finally seen the big Catherine/Warrick UST scene on Monday night.)

Still, this ep was something of an answer to my Life on Mars vs. CSI dilemma. Apparently Life on Mars is back next week - and clashes with CSI, but I can pretty much wait for Living TV to repeat CSI on this form, even though CSI has pretties and unconventional ships. Plus (and this, not the quality issue, swings it) I'm more likely to get spoiled for Life on Mars offline than I am for CSI online.

The OC, 4-4 The Sleeping Beauty. So. Do Atwoods Dream of French Dictionaries? was fairly jossed. Or Joshed, although I'm going to take comfort in the fact that my mind was sort-of going along the same lines as the writers. I thought it might happen, given that about half of what OC fic I've written has been jossed, or at least I thought that things would move on, so I posted.

Anyway, to the ep. I was pretty tired watching it, and I know this because there was a tinge of hysteria to my laughter, but there was quite a lot of laughter - mainly involving the usual suspects (no laughs for the Ward brothers, one for Che, none for Sandy or Kirsten. Summer's bunny may be cute, but her plotline is sending me into comas. Her room-mate was fun.)

So, moving on to the good bits. I KNEW that Julie-Kaitlin-Taylor in the same house was a potential goldmine and the Kaitlin-Taylor scene proved it, as well as Kaitlin and Julie's continuous turf war. Erm, relationship. Hee. I loved that Julie copped that it was fair that she was being unreasonable with regard to Kaitlin, but you know she'll go on doing it as long as there are, well, men in her path. Bullet can return if he likes. Or not.

And on to Taylor, who was the kooky ingenue. Again, to refer to the Guide, she was channeling Audrey Hepburn (although the reason that I love the character is that her comment about only needing four hours sleep reminded me of Margaret Thatcher and that totally works too.) Oh, and nice repetition on the 'Easy girl' from her and Julie. The developing Ryan/Taylor was all charming and funny, from the almost schoolyard esque request to Seth to find out if Ryan had moved on enough for dates on to the 'Wow' and the sleeping and the cute. And her sleeping and him reading and how they got there is a crying shame of a missing scene. Really, one feels like nodding along with Sandy. DO NOT BOTCH THIS THE OC - I've always been pro most of Ryan's functional relationships, and while Taylor is screwed up, they've done a nice job on teasing out the depths of why.

I don't know if it's the benefit of being new (because apart from Julie, everyone else does seem tapped out - hi, Seth! Had any decent plotlines lately? or contradictory - Sandy and the oilmen !?!?) but they've done a good job of bringing her into central character mode (though they did this with Julie and Summer pretty easily, and they have a good baseline from last season). And for the record, Ryan is intentionally funny. It's usually about four times a season, but he can be. So, here I am delighted and with a new 'ship, although I think they botched the impact of the ruffle dress by using that in the credits. (Plus I think Ryan had more of a reaction to Anna-in-the-prom-dress.)

The Innocence Project - last ep, probably ever.

So, goodbye then
The Innocence Project.
You were a bit rubbish
I liked two of the characters
and your guileless
(see what I did there?)

And I will now stop parodying a dead donkey parody.

One thing I really noticed, and I've been watching the second half of the series on the same TV set, was that the sound, especially outdoors, was really terrible this ep. Having got that off my chest, I don't have many coherent thoughts. They ended with the canonical will-they-won't-theys having come to some resolution for the ep, and actually, I have no idea what Nick and Beth were talking about towards the end. But it amused me that in the argument about Jon's principles/the project/evil pharmaceuticals/the awkward return of his ex' Whatshername and him degenerated to being less mature than Nick. (THat's the spiky haired one).

As for my unconventional 'ship, I will point out that the medical student looked a bit like Sarah, and was a lot strange, given Adam's chat-up technique and lines. Also, Gareth McLean was right, even having watched the show, I wouldn't remember that characters' names if I hadn't made the effort. And they're all mostly really bland. Even though I was tired, I called the evil drug leading to side-effects like depression. Beth wore some really unflattering tops (especially from the back) and, um, that's it. Goodbye The Innocence Project.

uk, the innocence project, tv, numb3rs, the o.c., crime scene investigation

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