
Nov 08, 2006 19:28

I rented The Thin Man and got to watch it last night, and it was completely delightful. ( Spoiler cut for a septagenarian movie? Oh, yes. )

firefly-serenity, my film reviews, dvds, shipping, films, poll, meta

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Comments 5

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profshallowness November 8 2006, 20:35:30 UTC
She's a star. And I really should thank you, your talking about the film made me put it on my 'must see' list. So, thanks!


lusmeitli November 8 2006, 22:15:57 UTC
I made you go read Simon/Inara! :D I've read some, too, but I'll have to dig through my files on the computer (once it cooperates again) to see whether there's any story I can sincerely recommend. :)

True, the secondary pairings is something that fascinates me, too. Perhaps it's really that we just want everyone to end up happy and with someone they love - or at least when we think they deserve it. I don't know. Mostly it's just a thought "who would fit better to them, so I can get my favorite pairing together?" and not more more than a thought is spent on that. I never read a Jean/Scott story because I felt she was treated badly in some of the Wolverine/Rogue stories (they used her as the jealousy factor quite often). Also, I'd never read Logan/Asha, because I think he still sucks, but he deserves some happiness, too. But it really is a fascinating topic.


profshallowness November 9 2006, 07:44:39 UTC
I made you go read Simon/Inara! :D Youd did! You did! Don't worry, the interest was half-formed already. If you get the chance to pass on recs, that'd be grand. Nightmare that your computer isn't working though ( ... )


femmenerd November 9 2006, 03:26:14 UTC
I voted for Mal/Kaylee because out of the fandoms represented here that I'm part of, I'd say that M/K has a higher percentage of fic written about it than any of those others. I'm Faith/Dean is pretty damn popular for a crossover pairing but compared to the masses of paired fic in either fandoms, it's a drop in the bucket. (And oddly I just realized that I was mostly thinking about F/D as a subspecies of SPN fic (in which Wincest and Gen greatly outnumbered it) even though my own F/D fic is extremely Faith oriented and probably 50/50 in terms of world constitution.)

Though I suspect that Wolverine/Rogue is probably pretty popular. I just don't actually know.


profshallowness November 9 2006, 07:54:37 UTC
I voted for Mal/Kaylee because out of the fandoms represented here that I'm part of, That's fair enough. Thank you for taking the poll! I put in a loose definition of mainstream, because I wouldn't feel confident judging the popularity of ships in fandoms I don't read. There does seem to be a fair amount of Mal/Kaylee out there - I have a pile to read some day.

I tend to read crossover pairings in a one-off fashion, but I do think Faith/Dean's got some following as a pairing and definitely each story has wider appeal. I'm sure you get the 'I hadn't thought of this pairing, but...' feedback.

The question of what fandom Dean/Faith is a subspecies in people's eyes might be worth raising at the comm, actually.

Wolverine/Rogue was definitely popular in its heyday (everyone used italics when raising the subject.) It probably still is, I think, although I doubt X4 brought in loads of new fans and a lot of people have moved on elsewhere, but, like me, dip back in every now and then.


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