Jan 21, 2010 06:10

It's my birthday and a Mini-Layton came to visit!!!
(Actually, it's really on Sunday but we had to celebrate it a little early due to classes starting soon...)

***Sorry about the image problems earlier. I think what happened was that I had accidentally set the security level to private when I uploaded them to my scrapbook. And then when I was trying to find where the heck to change the security level for the images (not the gallery) I accidentally deleted them instead. It should work now.***

This is probably pathetic, but I made my own birthday cake this year, because my mom only makes cakes from the box or buys them from the store (which tastes like crap!)

I wasn't originally going to make it Layton related but once I decided on the flavors, orange+chocolate, Layton popped in my head and just wouldn't leave!

This was also an excuse to try out some techniques I've never done before as well as seeing what I remember after not baking any cakes since last summer. So if it turned out to be a total disaster I'd only be disappointing myself.

Lots of pictures below!! ^_^
(I'm sorry for the crappy photos, I swear there's no decent light in my home!!)

Here's Mini-Layton sitting on top of his top hat with some puzz and hint coins.
Mini-Layton is totally edible! (Except for the ribbon on his hat and the toothpick inside holding him together.)
I made him out of marzipan mixed with a little fondant. I'm sure he's delicious but I just can't bear to eat him!

Mini-Layton chillin' in the home office.

Now he's on the kitchen table! He's on a quest for some decent light so I can take a nice picture.
And look! I (finally) got the games! Yay!

Mini-Layton chillin' in the kitchen where he was born!

Close-up of his adorable face!

A slice out of the hat!

Check it out!
Eight uneven layers of orange cake!
I made the thicknesses of the cake different to put the thicker sturdier ones on the bottom because I was afraid the fluffier layers would've been crushed if I put them on the bottom.

I probably should've used a little more buttercream....
I also should've moistened the cake layers with more sugar syrup... It was a little on the dry side.

But it was still incredibly yummy! ^_^


Here's what's currently left of the cake!
I'm sure that when I wake up, it'll be nearly gone...

For those interested in the creation process you can see more pics here. (Warning: tons of pictures!)

Next month I plan to do a Luke cake for my brother's birthday!!

fanwork: misc.

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