Title: Kingdom Up For Sale (5/9)
professor_spork Beta:
beingfacetious Character/Pairing: Quinn-centric gen, featuring Quinn/Sam friendship, canon!Fuinn, and vague hintings at potential Faberry if you squint, with guest appearances by the rest of the gleeks.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: She owes him, and he needs her. And if it turns out that maybe she needs
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Comments 6
Can I huggle Sam Evans? He's just a good person, and it seems to come so naturally to him. I think Quinn would find that infuriating, but then she'd also be like, "Ugh. It's annoying because I literally can't stay mad at you."
This is their friendship in a nutshell, yes. And as her tolerance grows, he just gets happier and dorkier and she just kind of lets the nerdy zen pull her like the tide. It's much, MUCH needed.
And I loved the landfill thing, Quinn smashing things to bits, all of the memories coming to her, and her and Sam just there.
Squinting my eyes and seeing a Quill reference, DON'T BURST MY BUBBLE.
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