Let's Play Uplink

Aug 16, 2011 18:16

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Chapter 4: Breaking the System

Details are thin but it appears that the work done is very vague in nature - ARC are keeping quiet about the ultimate goal of this work and all of the Agents involved are sworn to secrecy.
Analysts predict that ARC has spent over fifty thousand credits in the last week alone on agent fees.

At the time of writing, ARC was unwilling to comment.

The man in question, known as Agent Harlock, is one of the top ranked Agents in the world and is well respected throughout the hacker community.

He states that 'We don't know anything about this company ARC - some of the work that I've seen done for them is highly suspicious and could be used in a very destructive manner if properly exploited. ARC are relying on the unofficial code of honor of Uplink Agents - that they won't discuss what they were working on. Someone needs to come forward and explain what this company is up to.'

Once again, ARC refused to comment, but did say that a press release was imminent.

Huh! Time to do some more jobs in the social security database.

SSDB missions come in two varieties: Make somebody's life difficult (change personal status to 'Deceased'), or create a false identity (change personal status to 'Employed' from deceased). The trace is fast enough that I can't do multiple of them in one connect.

Once all my SSDB jobs are done, a quick drop by InterNIC to delete logs!

Now for a new, scary kind of mission!

We're hacking a bank.

Step 1: Connect to the bank and analyze the security!

I'll need to use Proxy_Bypass, but that ought to be enough, for now.

Tricky thing about proxies: A Monitor will, after a few seconds, often detect it, and trigger the trace, even before you start breaking the password!

Password cracked! Quick, to loans!


Dur hur. Time to report back.

Loan size: 0 credits!

Uplink Echeladder

That last slew of missions left me with ~12000c, so I can open up more possibilities for myself by getting Firewall_Bypass!


And another seven missions to go.

Let's get cracking!

The more missions I get, the more new nodes open up on my world map, making my trace time longer!

If I wanted to, I could just go to InterNIC and add a dozen more, but this is plenty, really.

This is a new kind of mission!

This guy gave someone else money, and I need the name. This'll take multiple hacks and a new program.

And yes, my employer is Steve Jackson Games.

Step 1: Hack his account!

Step 2: Take a look at his transfer logs!

Step 3: Get out of there!

Now, we must go to UIS.

Step 4: Purchase the program IP_Lookup!

Step 5: Look up the IP from the bank statement with the 1.1 million credit transfer!

Turns out it's the IP of e-trade Associates International Bank.

Then, log in to the account number from said statement!

And now we have our man.

Aston Almond.

I get paid for this, but I get something more as well.

I have knowledge of the location and password of an account with over 1 million credits in store.

Time to do the most dangerous thing.

First, creating an alter ego!

The mysterious Felipe Carbonel is opening a new account with e-trade Associates international bank.

Before I go any further clearing out all suspicious logs from InterNIC! I want a clean slate before I do this.

Now, because he's a foolish civilian, Aston hasn't changed his password since I hacked it.

The following few steps have to be completed within 30 seconds of each other.

Log in as Aston.

Transfer one million credits to my new account.

Acting FAST now, I jump into his statements and delete all records of the transfer.

NOT DONE. Log out, sign in to MY account.

Delete all records of the transfer here, too.

And out. But still not done.

Still in the lightning round, I kill the logs in InterNIC.

In theory, I am now safe. Time to advance some time to see if I got caught.

Uplink Echeladder

No more spamming boring missions for cash!

I am rich, and I got away with it.

NEXT TIME: Pimping my e-ride!

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let's play uplink

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