Sector 5
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>> Sector 5!
As one may have guessed, the Komato show up regardless, because the second half of the game still has to happen.
With the enemies all killing each other without my help, this is a good time to catch up on Nano.
Crack 9!
This is the first half of what I'll need for this sector's Supercharge AND Poster.
And this is the second half.
One of the best Nano Overloads for a pacifist.
Nothing to see here, folks!
And this is as far as my inviso-convenience gets me.
That was a pretty painful ceiling crossing!
Okay, we'll do this next part a little differently.
The advantage of Spread Rockets... that they can hit the ground!
This means I can get a super early MPFB with my twinked-out Tasen stat.
Then I can make a Nuke!
Past all the elevators, to the far right!
I need to get higher up, but there's no way in there!
How do I do it?
The next floor up has a bunch of guys, but I've broken pacifism at this point, so might as well kill them too!
Poster #5 unlocked!
Now to restart the sector, for the usual reason.
Carefully always kicking turrets away from Scouts...
Through the Komato drop pod!
Jump upgrade!
Build the nuke again!
Hey, look what I just found!
Mia, help me! I have to keep going! I have to find Dan...
Wait, I think I know a way to find him...
But first I have to get out of this Sector before they blow it all to bits! I don't care what Dan says about supporting ourselves, he needs my help! Thanks, Mia!
Ribbon #5 clear!
Exit found!
Now for the least fair boss fight ever!
You think you're so clever, teleporting around and reflecting shit...
Next time: Hackers!
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