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>> Sector 7: Interception
Second Part
Time for a daring escape, with Berserkers on the chase!
Why'd we bring a buncha Sentinels here? General Tor is pretty serious about this kill-the-Tasen-as-fast-as-possible business. Sure, their triple composite alloy hull is completely impenetrable to most armor-damaging weapons, and explosives are only half as effective, but they cost a fortune. So they're more powerful than Annihilators, can float freely and hail MPFB, Plasma and Nukes all around, but for the same price you could equip four hundred Troopers. Now which is more effective?
Wait. I'm actually not so sure about that. Let em have their floating death spheres, as long as I'm a safe distance away.
It looks like I'm going to have to JUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP
And I have company.
Fantastic! That'll give us more time.
Hehe, I told you I could do it!
It's good to see you're getting more confident, sis. Look, I know what you're going through, so... I'm sorry for all this.
Wha? What's that all of a sudden? You don't have to apologize. I feel like I finally understand what's going on, now. I feel more determined.
And when I headed up into the ship, I could see all the way to the horizon... or what's left of it.
Look, don't let that distract you. We need to get the Komato out of here, then we can worry about the rest.
You're right, just standing around talking won't save anyone. I have to get moving before they catch up to me. Talk to you soon!
Dear logbook, I'm getting worried. The radio silence is over, but I can't reach my girlfriend... they say I should wait for the battle reports, but I don't think I can wait that long. The adults and I are almost at the place where we'll set up the defense base, and so far we're all still alive. We've gathered turrets, supplies and parts of bulkhead doors, to make sure that nothing can get into our base once we set it up. I'm learning how to reprogram turrets to make them fire at the Komato rather than the humans.
I've heard about that "Human anomaly", and I hope she'll beat the Komato before they Alpha Strike this place... and I hope no Komato have reached what the humans call Sector 3, my girlfriend was stationed there when I last heard from her.
Elites battling Komato!
Assimilate 3!
Now I can store more ammo.
Just in time to reach the end of the Sector!
Identification? One.
Oh, my name's Iji, and -
Identification of specimen failed - terminating.
Damn it!
Komato Sentinel Proxima
Armor: 200
HP: 200
Weight: 1
Security: 40
Height: 4.0m
Proxima is immune to armor damage, and takes half damage from explosives - if I hit with all 20 missiles, it'll only take out 10% of its HP.
And here it is, chucking missiles at me like grenades.
Other attacks include an aimed MPFB Devastator, which I REALLY don't want to get hit by.
Its one weakness:
If it falls into one of the electropads on the sides, it shorts it out, taking *45* HP damage in the process.
When it captures Iji with that beam, it means it's trying to ram her...
...which is a great way to lure it into the electropads!
Unfortunately, that was the last one.
It also has a rapid-fire Plasma Cannon that it can fire while moving around, and a splintergun.
Here is is doing several things at once!
It does that. Spread rockets, MPFB, ramming.
...Hey, what's that terminal?
I'm in business again!
Both electropads back up!
This is Proxima charging its ultimate attack - the Nuke, which does 5 HP of damage regardless of defenses and can't be dodged.
However, it's just sitting there...
And did anyone else notice that Weight: 1 in the statbox?
Nuke charge interrupted!
Now I just gotta lure it into this one...
One pixel of HP left!
And it's right on top of me!
And I have a Devestator armed!
Looks like the security's getting extreme around here. I gotta get moving before they send down more ships and nail the planetary shield generator!
Next: Sector 8!
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