mementis: If you'd like to see all the art in one post, please see the archival
art master post at my journal. Here in these notes, I'm keeping things in the spirit of the fic's design: the art is embedded throughout the community, and I hope you enjoy it! My thanks and some additional bits of background are below.
The artists' summary told me nothing about this story when I first read it, only the description of an image: Castiel undergoing a transformation, electric blue flames and sparks licking at his wings. You'll read the passage in the story. Its authors make a much better case for the image in that scene than I can, or at least they do in words. I thought, if I could manage to depict even a little bit of the fantastic picture those words painted, I would be ecstatic. So I claimed the story, and then I set about electrocuting Cas and setting him on fire.
The image below is what emerged from that effort, and since it's been subsumed since then in various graphics - the poster, the soundtrack cover, an icon - I thought I'd post it separately as well. I'm pretty proud of it. I think it came out well, and I hope you enjoy it :)
Beyond this image, everything you see in the pages of this story was created for it, down to the LJ template. The community header was a particular treat to make, the chapter footers were a late addition that insisted on being inserted, and the soundtrack art made me particularly happy for letting me show off a background you wouldn't otherwise see.
Working on this story and collaborating with
zatnikatel and
nightrider101 was downright fantastic, and I'm sorry it's over. They're such immensely talented writers, so insightful, and so much fun to play with. We had a blast. And I would do it again in a heartbeat.
(Art master post:
at my journal.)