Last man standing

Nov 21, 2009 19:32

Why do I always do this to myself?

I get a character I really enjoy playing, I even get semi-confident that they're not crap, and then something happens to make me doubt why I'm playing them at all and make me consider dropping.

Stupid. Bloody. Head.

On another note, I am clearly a whiny sod who needs to chill out.

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Comments 9

wintaerland November 21 2009, 19:59:53 UTC
What happened?


prof_ryoki November 22 2009, 03:46:49 UTC
Just a few unrelated things that made my head decide a favourite character of mine was not being well-played.

It really is just my paranoia. I'm only angry at myself for giving into it.


mako_pretty November 21 2009, 21:54:30 UTC
*cuddles* What happened, bb?


prof_ryoki November 22 2009, 03:49:01 UTC
*snuggles* Nothing anyone did. Just one of those random throwaway remarks of someone else that gnaw at your brain.


draiol November 21 2009, 22:48:37 UTC
Bb? What's up?


prof_ryoki November 22 2009, 03:53:34 UTC
It really is just my own head. I'm just angry at myself for giving into it and not shaking myself and going STFU Ena, you idiot.


beautifvl_flaw November 22 2009, 00:01:05 UTC
Oh, what's up? What happened to make you doubt?


prof_ryoki November 22 2009, 03:54:06 UTC
Just a conversation with a blissfully unaware, and lovely, other player.


theninthspiral November 22 2009, 04:53:04 UTC
bb, What happened?


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