Something Strange...

May 05, 2008 18:23

Date: Friday May 23, 2002
Time: around 5:00pm
Location: the Moore house
Characters Involved: Stella and Caleb Moore
Rating: PG to start?

Stella was extremely happy to arrive home on Friday afternoon, stepping out of the Floo and wanting to just collapse on the bed.

It had started out on Tuesday, when she had started feeling nauseous after Flooing to school.  She'd gone to Madame Pomfrey, of course, who had told her that there was a flu bug going around the school, and not to think anything of it.  Stella had managed through the day, and actually felt much better by the time she went home after her evening classes.  She'd thought she was over it, but Wednesday had been even worse, and though she'd managed to get through her classes, had decided to stay at school until she felt better, worried about Caleb getting sick so close to the Full.

Caleb, of course, had not been happy about this development, but eventually gave in, assured that Madame Pomfrey was taking care of her.  Stella was able to get a great deal of grading done, the only good part of again feeling sick on Thursday.

This morning, though, she had felt much better, and had received permission from Madame Pomfrey that she could go home without worrying about infecting Caleb.  Though she was feeling better, she was still a little run-down, and decided to take a quick catnap while she waited for Caleb to come home from the bookstore.

pre-write, character: stella sinistra, character: caleb moore

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