Knock Knock [Beat/Shiki, PG]

May 05, 2009 21:49

Title: Knock Knock
Pairing: Beat/Shiki
Rating: PG
Type: fluff
Warning: endgame spoilers
A/N: The song is "Knock Knock" by Lenka.

A second, a minute, an hour, a day goes by.
I'm hopin' just to be by your side.
I'm turnin' the handle, won't open, don't make me wait.
'Cause right now I need your smile...

Knock, knock.
It wasn't that she didn't have anywhere else to go. There were lots of places she could go, lots of people she could talk to. It wasn't like before - she had friends, now, people she could really trust.

Trust, yes. But that didn't mean they couldn't break her heart.

She knocked on the door of the address she'd been given, in a soft voice from a loud person. 'If you ever need anything,' Beat had said, looking uncharacteristically serious, 'you just come by. No matter what time. No matter why. I there for you.'

Shiki ducked her head as the rain came down, slicking her short brown hair to the back of her neck. Please, she thought, please be home, please be home.

The door opened, and Beat stood there, blinking in semi-confusion. "...Yo, Stalker. Pretty late to be makin' a house call."

Usually she disputed Neku's nickname, which had caught on quickly in their group, but now she just clenched Mr. Mew tighter to her chest and bit her lip. "I'm sorry."

He blinked and waved a hand, apology clearly written all over his face. "No, no, don' worry 'bout it! Come on in! Man, it's wet out there..."

"I'm sorry..." She stood in the foyer, dripping onto their scuffed doormat. "I'm getting your floor wet..."

"I tol' you. No big deal. Lemme get you a towel, k?" He disappeared around the corner, leaving Shiki to stand there for a moment, wringing out her sweatshirt and Mr. Mew. On the downside, once she was dry, it would be much easier to tell that she was crying.

When life had locked me out, I turned to you,
And you opened the door.
You're all I need right now, it's true...
Nothing works like you.
She'd never been in Beat's room before. It was small - tiny, compared to hers, and there wasn't an inch of clear floor space. "I'm sorry 'bout the mess," he mumbled, keeping his voice down because Rhyme was sleeping. "It's just-"

"Don't worry about it," Shiki murmured, pulling her glasses off to wipe her eyes. "I don't care - it's - very you." She carefully picked her way over to the bed, though she almost stumbled once. Beat caught her at the elbows, then let go and turned red.

"A-anyway... you c'n stay here, however long you want. Ok?"

She wiped her glasses on Beat's comfortable old sheets, then patted the space next to her with a shaky smile. "...Don't go?"

He grinned. "That a question or a request?" He made his way towards the bed, ignoring the strange crunching sound under one or two steps. When he sat down, his muscular weight caused the bedsprings to creak ominously, and big hands fiddling at the end of his blanket. "Never mind. You wanna talk about it?" He looked up at Shiki, and his eyes were big and blue and honest - so comforting, after -

A warm bath, a good laugh, an old song that you know by heart.
I’ve tried it but they all leave me cold.
So now I'm here waiting to see you,
My remedy for all that’s been hurting me.
"He did WHAT?!"

"Beat!" Shiki grabbed his arm. "Shhh! Rhyme..."

He ground his teeth, hands clenching into fists. "Tha's not right, Shiki."

" sleeping. Really, don't you think you're overreacting? It's not... a big deal..."

She was about to start crying again, but to her surprise, she heard a big sniff to her left and turned to see tears shining in Beat's eyes. "Aw, Beat... come on. Don't cry..."

"But... how could he?" He put an arm over his eyes, back shaking as he tried to hold back his tears. "Man, I thought he really liked you."

"Yeah..." Shiki sighed. "I thought so too." She was patting Beat's back, rubbing in slow circles, as if he was the one who needed comforting. Well, he was the one who was crying...

"I mean, you're so pretty. And nice. How could he not see that?"

Shiki blinked, brown eyes wide with shock. "...What are you talking about?"

Beat sniffed, and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand. "Man, Neku's just a big idiot. A big dumb idiot. You're the... best. The best ever."

She smiled softly, and let herself lean against him, resting her forehead against his strong shoulder. "...Thank you."

You seem to know the way to turn my frown upside down.
You always know what to say to make me feel like everything’s okay.
A week later, they met up by the Statue of Hachiko. She wasn't wearing makeup, or fancy clothes, and Mr. Mew was still clutched tight in her hands. But she smiled when she saw Beat melting out of the crowds, skateboard tucked under one arm, and when he offered his hand to her with a bighearted smile, she couldn't help the answering expression that sprouted on her face.

"I hope you don' mind Ramen Don... I don't know any fancy places 'round here."

"It's fine; I love ramen."

"We could get ice cream afterwards, if you want."

"Heh, that sounds great."

Nothing works like you.
"...Can I hold your hand?"

"Just promise me you won't let go."

beat/shiki, fanfiction, shiki, beat

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