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Mar 20, 2009 06:17

The world in which we live is composed of a vast variety of people. There are those who live in luxury and aspire to collect such riches, while a certain percentage of the population still suffers from poverty. Those who judge others by appearance, and those who are accepting. People who think before acting, and those who do not before they speak. ( Read more... )

lord shota speaks, politics suck sometimes, holy teal deer, why are people so mean, the meaning of prejudice, tiem to get philosophical

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prodigyheir March 20 2009, 13:32:32 UTC

I fear I think too positively. You bring up many good points, however, and I rather agree with all of them. History is like to repeat itself, as you stated, but I prefer to think it is not too idealistic to hope people will change. Change is never an overnight process; it may even take years, possibly decades. But we have changed since the dawn of history, and for the better, I would imagine. We have become more civilized. We have shaped society to our liking, and in retrospect, it is a well-structured, functioning society, despite its obvious flaws.

And yet... there are those, such as myself, who cannot accept the world as it is. So I will do my duty and make better the world in what ways I can.


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prodigyheir March 20 2009, 18:00:08 UTC
Perhaps so.

I am merely hoping to attract like-minded individuals by offering my insight on this matter, and if I can somehow inspire someone to go out and right their wrongs or influence their way of thinking, then I will be glad. Words can be just as powerful as actions, and in some cases, even more effective. I believe that with a collective effort, such a world can exist and prosper. I must believe in that.


notalfred March 20 2009, 16:59:11 UTC
Hm. I have to agree. It would be nice if everyone could be far more accepting of others differences and opinions. I definitely think we should do our best to try and be understanding of one another.

However, I think, that no matter how hard we try there will be some part of us that will always disagree or compete for ideas.

What I mean is, we're all different people. Perhaps if we were all similar or alike, it would be easier but that isn't the case. The world is filled with diversity and so, making everyone agree with everyone would be...

Rather difficult.


sry, late ;; prodigyheir March 23 2009, 11:25:35 UTC

Yes, that would be somewhat difficult to accomplish. It's a possibility that we will always be naturally inclined to compete with one another, and that there will be disagreements. I'm not so sure a world without conflict can or will exist, quite frankly.

But if we were to become more accepting, even just a little, then that could make all the difference. I am not expecting everyone to drop their prejudices and discard their morals, as that would be bordering on ridiculous. That would be far too easy, and rather unrealistic.

You are correct in saying that we are all diverse, but rather than it being reason to falter, it should be incentive, a driving force that will push us ever further toward making a better world.


Re: sry, late ;; notalfred March 23 2009, 17:42:22 UTC
Haha, that's a very nice way of putting it. I agree, I think we should use our differences to make a better world.

Things like this I think are possible, but it just can't happen over night. Acceptance has to be eased into, not forced. It would take time.


fangofjustice March 20 2009, 17:19:28 UTC
Do not be ashamed of your idealism! Ideals are founded on hope and give birth to motivation.

However, there's a flaw in your rhetoric: you speak of judgment as though it is wrong.

Freedom to speak is not freedom from responsibility for your words. Every word from every mouth should be something the speaker can swear by... something they would proudly sign their name on, with full acceptance of the consequences if they should be wrong.

In light of this, it is astounding how many would speak without sincerity or out of sheer ignorance. Is it not rightful to give these damnable lies the judgment they deserve? To do any less would be unjust to every man who speaks in earnest.


ffff late, i suck, and holy hell my braiinn prodigyheir March 23 2009, 11:49:51 UTC

Ah, I did not wish to imply that judgment is solely a negative opinion, but I suppose in retrospect, it may have come across that way, therefore I must apologize. Admittedly I am better acquainted with judgment that it of a spiteful and bitter nature rather than a positive one. It seems people are more inclined to lean toward one than the other, as I have found.

You speak of justice, but it is a delicate notion, one that is interpreted by many in various ways. One may not find one method to be just, and that is acceptable, as there is no finite definition of "justice" that may apply to us all. I presume our court systems were implemented as a result of this. With our ranging perceptions of what is just and what is not, it is no surprise that conflict is easily provoked and can arise without much effort.

This is why diplomacy is so tricky a matter. You absolutely cannot please everyone, but regardless I find it is noble to strive toward such a goal.


s'alright |D fangofjustice March 23 2009, 19:49:03 UTC
No apologies necessary. You do bring up an insightful point. It is a disappointment to know that there are those who are unfairly judged, whether by bias or ignorance, or even out of pure malice, but... it does happen, nonetheless, and each time it only serves to harm true, honest justice.

Indeed, it is among the most virtuous of goals to strive for. Even if such idealistic visions never come to full fruition, by the mere pursuit of them, we change this world for the better.


dragon_of_wei March 20 2009, 22:32:00 UTC
Define the word "hope" in the meaning that you desire this hope to be and I shall give you my answer to your question.


tripoddlove March 21 2009, 02:08:23 UTC
When the ones with power figure out that the ones without it are worth listening to, there'll be peace.


prodigyheir March 23 2009, 11:55:30 UTC
I should like to think so.


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