Downloads: YOU PV, Hoshikuzu no Spangles SC, Peak SC KAT-TUN

Apr 13, 2007 22:48

Some KAT-TUN downloads ^^


YOU PV - my fave kattun pv everrr. download from [MU] [MF]

Peak perf on SC 2007.03.18 - this has probably been put up a lot. but jus so i dont waste my upload i mite as well ^^ download from [MU]Read more... )

pv, video, downloads, kat-tun, sc, mp3

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Comments 53

sadaoru April 14 2007, 04:44:49 UTC
I snaggled peak perf.

thanks for uploading!


problemchild518 April 14 2007, 08:25:02 UTC
ur welcome!!


jeannie_637 April 14 2007, 05:02:19 UTC
I took the PV and the music download for You and took Peak music download, too. Thank you very much for posting it!


problemchild518 April 14 2007, 08:25:34 UTC
no problem!!


yuki84 April 14 2007, 07:56:13 UTC
Taking the mp3s and the YOU PV. Thanks :3


problemchild518 April 14 2007, 08:26:19 UTC


kameringo April 14 2007, 10:39:22 UTC
I'm gonna take the Hoshikuzu no Spangles just cos I heard so much about it. Thank you =)


problemchild518 April 14 2007, 11:32:52 UTC
welcome. ya that seems to be the most popular download on my MU. what did you hear about it? sorry, just curious ^_^;


kameringo April 14 2007, 16:49:26 UTC
Nowhere exciting... just my friends' list. It's been circulating these couple of days, I didn't want to dl it but after seeing it again for the umpteenth time I thought I might as well.


problemchild518 April 14 2007, 18:00:52 UTC
ooooo i thought u meant u heard some random info about it...
its a good perf, hopefully it was worth downloading =)


flawl3ss27 April 14 2007, 12:36:32 UTC
Ooh! Taking the Peak mp3..<333 Thank you muchies!! <3333


problemchild518 April 14 2007, 14:47:51 UTC
lol no prob ^^


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