Mar 08, 2009 20:50

Arghhh I keep warping in and out of LJ-mode it's really retarded. I know I haven't been commenting anywhere =____=

p.s. to zsuness, looks like Kame didn't keep the cover hair afterall ne. Are we disappointed or are we happy? 8D I'm not sure. Anyway.

A little image-heavy: )

pv, kat-tun

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Comments 8

zsuness March 8 2009, 16:08:49 UTC
I totally forgot about the hair so there was no disappointment nor happiness, haha. But now that you reminded me of this issue, shit it would have been hot, indeed (reminds me, I need scans of that pic). I wish they'd cast him in the 3rd Crows Zero film (with this haircut). Seriously, that's my seekrit wish atm. His acting career cannot get any random, anyway.. Anyway, I love his hair in the PV nonetheless.

God Kame should wear women on his heels more often. I'll gladly volunteer.
AMEN. I love his photos in the calendar.. somehow the presence of a woman + Kame = works for me.

Koki ♥ I need to get my Koki icon back.


problemchild518 March 9 2009, 01:02:52 UTC
Totally agree about Kame's acting career =____=;;
It's like putting talent in the wrong place. I seriously wanna know who's in charge of Kame's drama roles, so I can strangle them.

Oh damn. I need to go download the calendar!!!!Totally forgot. *zooms off*


aysha_aka March 8 2009, 18:14:07 UTC


problemchild518 March 9 2009, 01:04:37 UTC

Where have you been?!? *glomps*

But yes, Jin was a lot of hotness in this PV. I see you agree with me (nice icon ;D)


aysha_aka March 9 2009, 12:37:04 UTC
hehehehe... here going there and there

I'm working that's way I'm little busy ....

and I'm busy with site that you give it to e except that I'm reading Naruto fanfic instead of vampire night

I miss you miss my lj friend and I'm not ..*hugs & kisses*

tell me about you it's not that your always around ...heheheheh XP


problemchild518 March 10 2009, 12:39:58 UTC
Hehehe I know I'm not around a lot either. I've been very bad with LJ since uni started.

Ooh lol. I didn't know you read Naruto?
There's one VK fic I'm following. But that's the only one right now.

Hope your work is good =)



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