Title: And This Leads You To The End of Your Days
Series: The Drinkin' Series
Rating: PG
Words: 674
Beta: None
Disclaimer: Joss owns all
Summary: Last part in the Drinkin' Series; Jayne and River take the next step in their life; SAPPY; Written for
inanna1130 for the
whedonland fic-fest
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Comments 6
awwww. sweet. they would pick a place based on the simplest ceremony they could find. (ha. I would too.)
I really enjoyed the progression of their relationship through the series- very believable. and I love how nonchalant their decision to get married is, I can totally see it happening that way by the time they get to that point in their relationship.
thank you!!
Excellent way to end the story. :)
Tis great, a lovely ending. ♥
Great job!
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