A drink from the fountain....part 9

Mar 21, 2009 22:27

Title: A Drink from the fountain
Rating: M
Pairing: Miranda/Donna
Disclaimer: Don't own
Summary: Miranda on the little island

Miranda and Emily tried to rearrange their arms so they could still work, which meant that there arms were sort of intertwined. They both looked at each other and knew they would never speak of this, end of story. Miranda looked down at her lists, she had recruited every available vehicle on the island to cart everything up to the island and informed the models that they would be sharing rooms, since they were taking so many people. She scanned the list once again and made sure that the room situations still worked. Everything seemed to be in order, and she found that if was becoming harder to work when Emily was shaking beside her. Miranda turned and saw the girl looked very green, great thought Miranda.

With a sigh she tucked her Prada bag on her shoulder and pulled the girl up leading her to the front of the boat, hoping that the wind would soothe her, or at the very least prevent her from throwing up on Miranda’s shoes. Emily clung to her as they made their way to the front of the boat and was shooting Miranda odd looks. “Here, look out at the sea, deep breathes. You need to relax, just look at the land in the distance and focus on that, not the motion.” Miranda said in the tone she used when talking to her daughters. Nigel had noticed them and came over to her and handed Emily a bottle of water. Emily drank the water and squinted her eyes as she tried to stare at the land.

“Honestly, why would you go on a boat without sunglasses,” said Miranda, “here wear mine. Stop looking at me like that Emily, I need you to be your best this week, and I am not so heartless that I am incapable of basic human compassion.” Miranda said as she left Emily in Nigel’s care with her sunglasses. Miranda glared at a model and claimed a seat, willing the boat to be over soon, she wanted to see Donna. She closed her sun strained eyes and willed the boat to go faster.

Donna was standing at the dock with all the people she and Miranda recruited to assist in the transportation of the stuff. She saw the boat in the distance and without knowing what she was doing, she started walking to the edge. Sophie and Skye who were down helping with the transport, smiled and watched Donna walk to the edge. Today she had dressed to impress in a red sundress, that played off her slightly sun kissed sun. her hair was pulled up in a complicated up-do and she was wearing makeup and a very small amount of jewelry.

Donna watched the boat dock and the people begin to spill out, then all of a sudden the crowd parted and Miranda Priestly, Editor-in-Chief in all her glory glided off the boat and through the crowd of her employees who parted for her like the red sea. She was followed by two people, a woman who looked rather sea sick who was juggling a large bag and a pad and pen. She was writing a mile a minute as she tried to get everything her boss said. Donna recognized this voice, Emily. The other person was a man who was smartly dressed who also seemed to be friendly with her, maybe Nigel, she thought as Donna watched the love of her life lock eyes with her. Donna stood and waited to see what Miranda would do. She understood that Miranda had to be professional and was fine with that. She knew she held Miranda’s heart and that was enough even if the world didn’t.

“Donna, good to see you again,” said Miranda as kissed the air on either side of Donna’s cheeks.

“Miranda, good to see you too, everyone welcome to the island, please divide yourselves and all your belongings into the line of vehicles, just not the jeep. That is for Miranda, Nigel and Emily, so come along we don’t have all day,” Donna said as she lead Miranda to the jeep, with Nigel and Emily following.

“What one trip in this death trap with evil kevel behind the wheel wasn’t enough? Have I upset you in some way, because I can think of no other reason to punish me in this manner,” Miranda grumbled as the four of them began loading their luggage into the Jeep.

“Just get in or I’ll make you drive,” Donna replied and allowed her gaze to sweep up and down Miranda. She knew that it was safe around Emily and Nigel, and for that she was glad. Miranda was wearing a power suit that screamed fashionista and hugged her every curve. “Did you bring the blue sundress?” She asked as and afterthought as they all pilled in and Miranda found herself practically sitting on Donna’s lap.

“Yes, wait I’m sitting on something.”

“Yes I know shift a little, there you go, okay we are off,” and with that she practically floored it and the Jeep flew up the hill.
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