I have a headache and I'm trying to keep from coughing up my lungs and any organs surrounding them... why can't this sickness go away, already? I felt fine yesterday, but today I feel worse
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Every second that ticks by brings me further away from the parts of my past that I still remember and enjoy and wish I could have back, and closer to... nothing.
I think I finally finished all of the art I owe save one commission the commissioner hasn't gotten back with me about. I found a pure gray pony for my legion on the market for a steal. We got a transcription check. And, two words: Nutty Bars.
Kendrah, why would you tag me to post happy thoughts in my journal? How often do I do that? Don't you know me? Where is the real Kendrah and why have you taken over her body
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There are several things I need to do, but I have so little creative motivation. I need to picture a goal or I can't start work on something. Maybe I'll just color that commission... it seems like a good way to waste a day. I almost wish I had the money to go out shopping. That's a weird thought. :I
I was just sitting down to write my Thanksgiving 'thankful' post when the electricity to the computer shut off. So I guess I won't be thanking JEA for electricity today :P
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Bah, screw this rant; it wasn't worth the time it took me to write. Suffice it to say... when I say I mean no disrespect, I mean that I mean no disrespect, and if that's not clear, I don't know how to make it any clearer, so I'm not going to bother.