Title: You Saved Me
Author: Pamala
Characters: Paul & Kristine Kellerman
Category Gen
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I know they're not mine. I'm old and tired so, PTB,
please don't slap me around for playing with your toys.
Summary: Paul remembers past summers as the present one threatens to drag him down.
Authors notes: For my July fan fic challenge * Summer is for Children *.
Thanks: To
snowwhite22 for the last minute beta. ;o)
She was only five the summer Shelby her stuffed turtle seemed to vanished into thin air.
She looked for days and days, her brokenhearted tears mixed with a mother's distant, disinterested, ' Stop crying... I'll get you another when I have time. ', until her big brother, the one who'd been searching diligently without saying a word, found her friend and returned him to her waiting arms.
A bright smile chasing the sniffles away, she threw her arms around his neck and whispered...
" You saved me, Paulie. "
Dad took the training wheels off her bike at the start of the summer just as he'd promised.
It was finally time for her to learn to ride a two wheeler.
He'd promised her ... but like his promises always seemed to do, his promise to teach disappeared as fast as the training wheels found their way into the trash.
She tried so hard to do it on her own.
She was, in spite of all the scraps and cuts from the previous attempts, so determined and proud, he felt a little guilty taking hold of the back of the bike to steady her until she, voice floating back to him on the breeze of forward bike momentum, shouted over her shoulder as she pedaled away on her own.
" I was about to fall but you saved me, Paulie! "
She comes when I call.
She enters the room walking fearlessly back into the mess that is my life without hesitation.
She sees the gun and I can see in her eyes she sees how low I've sunk before I say a single word
She holds my hand in hers as I tell her everything.
She wraps her arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek when the pain and shame of what I've become comes to rest in my heart as the confession falls from my lips.
She tells me -- rising to her feet, moving deeper into the room instead of running for the door in sheer horror of me and all the thing I've become -- that I'm her family and she loves me no matter what as she moves to stand in front of the window.
Looking back at me with a loving smile I don't deserve she, shoving the curtains back forcefully flooding the room with bright sunlight, says...
" I'm here now. I love you and we'll make it right, Paulie. "
Sunshine, like a spotlight shining through the darkness that is my life, burning my too long in the dark weary eyes, pushes the memory, the first things that comes to my mind, to my lips without a second thought.
"The sun! It's summer! Another summer for you and I, again, after all this time. Except this time its you....
You've saved me Kristine. "