❦ Post Format Guide
If you are unsure how to format your entry to each community, fear not! We have drafted up a guide!
Subject: #of your entry(this is for activity checks), Type of entry (action, voice, video),
Content: This is all first person based, and for any action you may use put it in [brackets!]
This is for more public announcements, although you can specify if your character only wants to contact a select few people.
Remember to tag yourself in these posts.
Subject: Complete or Incomplete: If you have finished the scene you can close the log
Content: Where: Self explanatory
When: When does this happen in RP's the time line
Who: Who is involved OPEN/CLOSED (if other people can join or not)
What: WHAT is going on
Warnings: any warnings for the content of your post. however nothing above pg-13, you can do this privately on your own, however these events won't be canon in the RP (Unless you can some how manage to announce it in a PG-13 fashion).
(You only really need to specify where and when, but the other labels are encouraged :) )
This is for third person, novel type writing. You set these up when you want to have more in depth and more private conversations or adventures between specific characters. These are also used for dream senarios, anything that happens in a dream (ie injury, death, etc), does not transfer to reality.
Remember to tag yourself and whoever else in involved in these posts.
For your own personal character's Journal
Disregarding your info posts, you post in your journal as if your character was keeping a blog. And other characters can comment on these posts. This isn't required and there is no real format requirement.
dis_acdmy_ooc &
dis_acdmy_crack, there is no posting format! :)
premise /
setting /
faq /
rules /
taken /
application /
reserved /
requested /
mod contact /
classes /
Uniforms /
clubs /
hiatus /
drop /
must reads/
meme box/
chat quotes/
campus /
off campus/
black mist/
events /