[NYC] Date Night

Dec 20, 2008 19:01

Who: Harri & Marc
Where: Harri's apartment building, a restaurant
When: Friday Night
Follows: THIS___________________________________________________ ( Read more... )

[who] harri, [who] marc, [location] nyc

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Comments 41

agentfraser December 20 2008, 08:53:26 UTC
Marc was running late but he wasn't going to make a huge deal of it because he was known to keep people waiting and be fashionably (and sometimes not so fashionably) late. It hadn't been his intention, though. He had been trying to take a business phone call whilst simultaneously getting ready and taking his insulin injection. It led to him missing the mark on his gut and ended up with an unsightly patch of blood on his light blue shirt. A jacket may have covered it, but if there was a need to remove it, it wasn't going to cut it. He changed into a black and white pinstripe shirt and a thin black tie. His jacket was long, ending at his knees and he opted for a black waist coat underneath in case the puncture wound decided it wanted to bleed out again. He could feel the bruise on his gut, much to his annoyance, but if this wasn't going to be sex, she wouldn't see it.

He knocked on her door, quickly glancing around to make sure he had the right apartment. It was an impressive complex, but he wouldn't have expected any less from her.


straight2point December 20 2008, 09:00:10 UTC
Harri was up and on her feet again in seconds, scooping up her black coat and pulling it on quickly. She made sure her hair wasn't stuck down the back of it and opened the door with a smile. Her smile increased as she saw what he was wearing. "And to think we didn't even call each other to coordinate."


agentfraser December 20 2008, 09:04:32 UTC
Marc tilted his head with an amused smile. "To think, I actually had blue picked out. It must be fate," he said and leaned in to kiss her cheek. Yes, her cheek. If they were doing this, they were doing it right. It was already common knowledge througout his company and no doubt hers that they had banged each other in the elevator the night of her Christmas party (with rumours the tape was already circulating), so if they were seen in public on a date, it had to stragetically look innocent and intriguing. It would get people talking, no doubt.


straight2point December 20 2008, 09:07:08 UTC
Harri didn't mind if her party was remembered because of what she and Marc did in the elevator, it was certainly better than having it remembered for being such a dud. She accepted the kiss with a smile and took his arm as she closed to her apartment door behind her. "Definitely fate," she agreed. "Now will you tell me which restaurant you have picked out?"


agentfraser December 20 2008, 11:49:37 UTC
"Thought so," Marc said, smirking. "Your friend, despite being on a pay cheque, probably goes home to his own personal life. You probably go home to an empty apartment and a remote control. It's okay for goals to shift. Your BFF has just opened your eyes a little. They have a habit of doing that." He held his arm out for her so they could head into the restaurant together.


straight2point December 20 2008, 11:52:16 UTC
"He does, and I would never interfere with that. In fact, that Christmas party will probably be his last obligation to me for some time. BFF's really are good at doing that, although I have no idea if I've ever made Aiden shift any of his goals." Harri once again took Marc's arm. "So I haven't scared you off with talk of shifting goals?"


agentfraser December 20 2008, 12:00:25 UTC
"Oh? You're not going to indulge anymore? He was hot. Can't deny that. You have good taste." Marc nodded politely at the matre d' and went to give his name, but clearly he was expected. Their own personal waiter appeared and gestured to a secluded candlelit table at the back of the restaurant.

He waited until they were seated and took the wine menu before he said anything else. "You mentioned your BFF wanted you in Mexico. He must have needed ou for something. Maybe not goal shifting, but it sounds like it might have been instrumental." He smiled at her over the menu. "Forgive me. I've always been... observant. Feel free to tell me to back off if I get too annoying." He read over the menu, perusing the otions. "I'm still here, aren't I?"


straight2point December 20 2008, 12:07:00 UTC
"He is hot, and I would keep seeing him if..." If she thought she wouldn't be shagging Marc. "I always have excellent taste, to paraphrase something you said earlier."

"Yes, to defend him against Pat's twin, and run interference. Cameron is a very straight, very strong, very hot English football player with a weakness for blondes. Aiden was scared shitless in meeting him." Harri waved his apology off. "You're fine, really. I don't mind at all." She smiled and crossed her legs under the table. "Yes, you are."


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