;: Don't look away... :;

Oct 14, 2006 00:37

Having a lot of time away from being online (not by my choice... okay, well it kind of is since I choose to do work rather than socialise) makes me think loads which can be a bad thing. Thinking about London Expo makes me have doubts about it again. But I will go! It's just... ehh ( Read more... )

feelings, london expo

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Comments 4

axelified October 13 2006, 23:54:33 UTC
Why are you having doubts hun?


princessxia October 13 2006, 23:56:19 UTC
*thinks* Because I feel like when I get there, I'll see people I haven't seen for aaaaages (like, a year) and I'll expect so much from it that because I have these high expectations, I'll have less fun and won't enjoy myself. D:


axelified October 13 2006, 23:57:35 UTC
Aw, but just enjoy it! I'll see if I can go anyway.. I mean, I can, I just would feel weird going alone. Might try meet people somewhere first.


princessxia October 14 2006, 00:00:33 UTC
Hopefully it'll just come quickly so I don't need to think about it too much XD Aw, if you really want to, you can meetup with the Lame* meet (annually_lame)


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