Take that biiitches

May 29, 2006 12:09

Forgot an important thing to the Expo entry ( Read more... )

london expo

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Comments 8

darkkyuzo May 29 2006, 11:38:56 UTC
did you lose a tooth? thats how £1 are made!


princessxia May 29 2006, 11:42:56 UTC
XD Nay~ that never happened to me when I lost a tooth =(


darkkyuzo May 29 2006, 11:43:43 UTC
;o! poor child :p


0_koneko_0 May 29 2006, 12:35:17 UTC
Love that Icon ^^

And finding £1 on your pillow has to have some lucky meaning! It HAS TOOOOO


princessxia May 29 2006, 12:57:47 UTC
Aww, thanks, I drew it (because of a challenge to have an alive bunny as my icon) and coloured it myself ^__^ And yes! It must have some meaning! ... Maybe it's a bribe to get me to do another podcast episode @__@


inuyasha32 May 29 2006, 14:05:46 UTC
a green DS? i never seen green DS ^^


princessxia May 29 2006, 16:33:14 UTC
Me neither! But when I heard there was a green DS, I waaanted it. Because the silver one is far too common, the blue and pink ones are far too girly. So with a green one, I can be original AND manly not-girly. XD


inuyasha32 May 29 2006, 17:26:24 UTC
i want to buy a DS, but it has to be Red, my fav color ^^


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