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Comments 4

grayish__wing October 31 2005, 15:28:01 UTC
That sounds like heaps of fun.. Reminds me of when I went to the Melbourne Anime Fest!! XDDD I bought SO much stuff..

But the Halloween meme suprised me lol... Lucky Devil


princessxia October 31 2005, 15:31:12 UTC
Hehe yay ^^ Was it fun? ^___^

Yeah... brings a strange image to my head ^__^;


grayish__wing October 31 2005, 16:08:07 UTC
Yeah it was HEAPS of fun.. If you want to check out how my Anime Fest went Clicky

Hahah I am lucky but not the devil mind you lol...


princessxia October 31 2005, 16:14:32 UTC
I shall read... tomorrow *tired*

Better the devil something something... however the song goes o.O


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